Lopez is a microcosm
It is the end of the line
I am nobody
I speak for the trees
And the frogs
It is not lonely
At the bottom of the vortex
Because I could never be alone
I am made of elements and atoms
I am connected to the stardust
In the Milky Way
My Galaxy
And in the Galaxies
Get out of my way
I’m really pissed
The Supreme Court
Accept Gay people
I will tear this whole thing down
If they don’t
I have the Power
I am my mother’s daughter
She is From Kansas
Go Chiefs
We can do it
We can break the Sound Barrier
Rockets are cool
I want to go for a ride in a Growler
I am grateful for the military
I am a Patriot
And I believe
I believe in us all
We all have the Power
I am also Grateful
For the Pharmaceutical Companies
The research that has gone
Into the amazing medications
That Save Mine and Steve’s lives
It will be okay
We will make sure of it
We will Penetrate the patterns,
Assert yourself
Insert yourself
You, We, can do it
These Fuckers
Will not win
They have no power
The enemy is weak
And We will survive
And We will thrive
We are patriots
We are scientists
We are educators
We are volunteers
We are kind
We are good
This land is our land
And we WILL claim it