“These are memories from my psychotic visions experienced mostly 2007, 2016, 2018, 2019 and early 2021. Please read at your own risk, as it may be triggerring. This is not for the feint of heart. Writing this down has become a healing process, and posting these documents here is me engaging in the process of letting these visions go.”
Scene One
Caesar, as a child, gets old fashioned Druid blessing with twin sister in possibly Basque area.
The Priestess cuts deep into Piet and Pieta’s third eye, marking their skulls.
Caesar (Piet), then sets out on a mission at eight years old to find a purpose and a role in Rome.
Caesar’s twin sister, Pieta, follows…
Brutus is given orders to go find slaves, by his young, arrogant, and power-hungry wife.
Brutus comes down the path in a Chariot, and Caesar’s sister, Pieta, hides in the brush.
Brutus stops, having smelled her. He then seizes her, ties up her legs, and rapes her.
A young boy, who is not Piet, is a stander-by, and witnesses this event.
Brutus sees, and grabs this boy. He breaks the boy’s left ankle, and slices off his penis with his blade.
He then throws him in the back of the Chariot, along with Pieta.
Caesar (Piet), witnesses these events in terror and in silence.
The unknown boy holds his root to stop what bleeding he can, as blood trickles from his cock, and down between his buttocks into a pool that he lay in, all the way to Rome.
When they arrive, the Eunuchs take the young boy of five or six years, clean him up, and put him with the other Eunuchs/Slaves.
The girl (Pieta), goes to the house of Brutus’ Father.
Piet becomes captured in Rome, while searching for his sister, and gets castrated as well, but again, not properly as is the way of the Eunich to the Eunich.
The power hungry and sadistic Wife of Brutus, a younger woman of esteem, performs a pagan sacramental ritual. She bathes in white calf’s blood, then remove’s the ten year-old Piet’s cock with her very own hatchet.
She then lies, as stone cold as a soul can be, to Brutus.
Later, Piet finds his way to his sister, Pieta, and carefully and gradually infiltrates the family. He earns general respect of the People and the Senate.
Until Caesar’s “Fall”, as we call it, Caesar and his twin sister keep their relationship a secret, in Rome.
Brutus and Caesar become lovers, friends, allies, and brothers.
Brutus eventually earns redemption, as the reign of Julius Caesar ends, by the finding and resurrecting of general Caesar’s half-dead body, and the successful escape of their sympathizers to Egypt.
Brutus’ wife stays back, tries to knave a position in Augustus’ Senate, though she is exposed as a traitor, because of her abandonment.
Brutus buries Caesar in Herodotus’ cave, along with some of Caesar’s and Herodotus’ writings.
Later Brutus himself, in the body of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, is lain to rest in the very same cave.
Scene Two
Pilot has made the orders for the crucifixions.
Three Men are crucified on the Hill. Jesus the Nazarene is on the Right, Peter the Disciple in the Middle, and The Second Judas on the Left; as though you were in the scene/ also, [painted by Michelangelo].
Christ would not admit, or rather would not respond, when asked to confess that he was the “King of the Jews”, and the riotous crowd seals his and the others’ fates. He is thus accused of Zealotry.
Peter is accused to be a Traitor to the People, for more than one Zealous Act, and is also accused of Sodomy.
Judas the Second (Iscariot), was found in possession of Joseph’s ring, and this confuses Pilot to no end. Mother Mary is Pilot’s daughter, and the ring had been part of her Dowry to Joseph. Judas the Second was Jesus’ best friend and closest ally, and thus is accused of Thievery and Zealotry.
The “execution” par crucifixions is ordered.
But this is no execution. All parties survive.
Mother Mary, organizes the release of the bodies, once they have been thoroughly obscenated by the people, and lengthy suffering has been endured.
Another horrifying event, was the putting of Mother Mary in a sack, and the beating and stoning, of her body. It is unknown if this was done by the Zealots that blamed her for Jesus’ crucifixion, or by the Jews that still hated “The King of The Jews”. As this occurs, Magdalene helps the resurrected Jesus, Peter, and Judas Iscariot, escape into Europe.
The First Judas, Thaddeus, Mother Mary’s Eldest Son With Joseph, then commits suicide, after the finding and viewing of Mother Mary’s disgraced and beaten body, believing his mother to be perished.
They were not supposed to have raped her. Mother Mary was never actually raped when impregnated with Jesus as some thought. She was found wandering lost in the hills at sixteen, confused, and then she met John the Baptist who cared for her and taught her to survive. He also helped with her confusion and doctored her mind and spirit. When she became pregnant with Jesus, he sent her off to find a suitable father meaning someone with housing and food, maybe even property. Joseph took her in, named her clean. Later Jesus recognizes his father and asks to be baptized by who had become a very respected man by his people.
Mother Mary took the fall, so that Magdalene and the others could escape unharmed, as Magdalene was truly a prostitute, thief and criminal. She was also the love of John the Baptist’s life.
Thomas, Didymus, grieving for his best friend, The First Judas, Thaddeus, takes Mother Mary’s beaten, raped, but ‘still living' body, heals and resurrects her. Joseph gracefully relinquishes his responsibility for Mary. Didymus Thomas and Mother Mary wed in Jewish Tradition, and they leave Jerusalem to find refuge in Romania.
Jesus, Magdalene, Iscariot Judas, and eventually Simon Peter, travel around Europe and beyond. James, Boanerges John, and Andrew flee to modern day Iran. James, (Jesus’ younger bother/ The Lesser Brother of Judas), and Phillip hunker down near Galilee. Simon The Zealot, gets captured and murdered, “somewhat” humanely and publicly by the non-Zealot movement. Simon Peter becomes a solo missionary, and eventually ventures to Britannia. St. Sara is born in Germany, but not of Magdalene, and Jesus’ bloodline continues. Jesus and his wife Simone birth three more children. Two boys and one girl. Today there are approximately 11, 914, soon to be 913, direct descendants from this line all throughout the world.
Jesus was an Immaculate Birth, because he was the illegitimate child of Mother Mary, and not Joseph’s Bloodline Son. But also, the Magi did know of His coming, and they arrived from afar, having followed the Star unto Bethlehem, in order to witness the birth of Jesus Christ.
Jesus the Nazarene was the Son of Man.
Before Judas the First, also Thaddeus, Mother Mary’s favorite son, and Thomas’ closest friend, dies, he passes on Joseph’s ring to a boy, who eventually gives it to Paul.
Paul has a vision on the road to Damascus while wearing a ring.
Paul keeps his ring with him until his death in Rome.
Scene Three
Caesar stands on the coast of Sicily, between Capo Granitola and Capo San Marco, inside a circle of his ten most trusted men. Order has come down the pipes, and there is a mark on his head.
His men agree to make a scene for the armies. Each takes a turn firing blows, and they must be convincing. One of his men, knows the art of striking blows that are painless. And Caesar leans into them. The last is a sub-fatal blow to the head, knocking him out. The earth quakes in the silence, as his armies witness their leader and hero fall to the earth.
His men, one of which is a woman warrior from Gaul, heave his heavy body into a coffin that has been prepared. In his hands, they place some prayer beads, on his finger they put his amber ring, nested on his chest they place a mini chalice with two brandied sugared cherries, to hopefully aide his seizures if he lives; and a scabbard with his knife at his waste. There are gaps between the boards in the lid to the coffin, so hopefully some liquid may befall his lips. They place the lid on the coffin, but they do not nail it shut. They do, however, pretend to do so. Caesar is dead. He is no longer. As far as Rome knows, his soul has left his body.
Caesar floats for fifteen days. The seas are calm, and the current is direct. He is in and out of consciousness. At one point, he is awakened by a diabetic seizure, and manages to get the fruit between his lips. Time passes. All of a sudden a wave tosses him out of his coffin, and he finds sand. He reaches for his knife, and uses it to pull his weighted broken body with his one good arm, onto dry land. He lay there, sputtering and heaving for a solid moment, before he awakens fully to find himself on the shores of Gozo, in the Maltese Islands.
A few soldiers, a priestess, a messenger, and his sister Pieta, find him within several days. The messenger rows, swims, and runs to Rome with a message for Brutus. A wooden ship lands a few weeks later. On it are navigational scrolls, food supplies, some goats, two stallions, a doctor, a matriarch, the messenger, and Brutus. It takes months to nurture Caesar and his broken bones back to health, and to create a course and travel plans. All the while, the servants and women are praying to Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, and Athena, while also feeding the doctors, the others, and the few men of ‘the ten' who made it and whom are guarding the shore. The matriarch holds the prayer circle for a solid 40 days. They are all here, on the shores of Gozo, in order to aide in the resurrection of Caesar, and to execute Brutus’ plans to smuggle important texts, and money, out of Rome, and on into a region in Egypt that is said to be temporarily uninhabited.
Time is imperative, due to the seasons, and the fact that they know they soon will be discovered. They set sail for Alexandria. When they arrive, they sell the boat. Brutus travels ahead on horseback with a scout party, and the women, guards, and servants, travel slower with Caesar who is lain up in a small chariot. They travel through the dessert for ages.
Time passes. And in a cave, Caesar’s body is lain to rest next to some ancient remains. They believe them to be the remains of a king and a writer, Herodotus, from about 450 BCE. Caesar had molded himself from the stories, and writings, of this ancient historian. Along with Caesar’s body, they hold sacred, and preserve, some of both men’s writings, as well as a few sacred treasures from Rome.
Under the dry Earth, lay for over two thousand years, two leather bound books 3-4 inches thick, and five precious articles of treasure; A crown, A shield, A staff, A (cup) gold and copper chalice shaped into a shell [painted by Rembrandt], and a shroud.
Scene Four
A young girl goes to the well in her small village in Galilee. As she arrives, she notices some young men, so she hides behind a tree with her wash. She sits down and weaves a wreath out of grasses, as she waits for the young men to finish washing.
After her chores, she goes for a walk outside of the village, to explore some rocky outcroppings at the edge of the generally populated area. She pulls a small scroll from her canvass satchel, and a few nuts and olives. In her gourd, is just enough water to wash down her food. As she snacks, she stares and stares at the mysterious symbols, only knowing that they are holy.
When she is thirteen, she dresses as a boy, and goes to join some shepherds. Becoming accepted as an acolyte, (s)he learns to wait upon the shepherds and their sheep. An old man who leads the small band of shepherds, takes a liking to the boy.
The young boy begins to change into a woman, but makes a choice to continue to hide this fact, and to continue working aside the shepherds and their flock. He becomes agriculturally and medically adept.
At sixteen, it becomes hard to conceal his natural female form and identity, and so high in the hills, when attacked by some raiders coming through, (s)he is raped, exposed, and thus exiled from the herd.
He wanders deep into the wild hills, and finds some ‘people’ hiding in caves. He joins them, and learns their ways. His older sister searches for him, eventually learns of his path with the shepherds, and is led into to the caves.
The sister stays with the people. She masters herbalism, midwifery, and earth magic.
When the boy is nineteen, he leaves the caves and his sister, and dresses as a man. He ventures to Jerusalem to view the Holy Temple for the first time. He discovers a group of wanderers who are following, and listening, to the holy word of a man named Jesus.
A few years pass, conflict breaks out in the land, and Jesus is crucified with two of his closest friends and followers.
The boy finds The First Judas, Mother Mary’s Eldest Son With Joseph, and is unable to dissuade him from hanging himself in one of Jesus’ favorite trees. It has black branches, and no life bursts forth from its form.
Before The First Judas hangs himself, he gives a ring to the boy, and instructs him to bury his body. The boy then digs a grave beneath the tree, and marks it with two heavy stones. He takes the ring, and leaves for he knows not where. He just heads on.
On his Path, he meets a man named Saul, and trades the ring for food, water and company…
…Gabriel, then follows a man named Paul, and learns to read and to write.
Scene Five
It is 1963. The house is on the edge of town.
A grandmother, and her husband, drive through a small town in Kansas looking for a motel. They arrive at the motel, and unpack their three grandchildren; the two, four and five year-old boys. Grandmother Kathryn calls a number the clerk at the desk gives for babysitting; she wishes for a moment of silence, while she goes and finds some produce at the local supermarket.
She drops the three boys off at the house. There is a metal swing set in the yard, and some of the old wooden window frames have lost their glass, from the common tornadoes.
A teenage girl, very pretty, who attends the local Catholic High School, answers the door. She has a younger sister, and an older brother of two years. Kathryn knows something does not feel right, but she leaves the boys anyway, as she is exhausted, and thus consoles the situation in her mind, as it will be only a brief time spent away.
The two year old boy won’t stop opening the the fridge. The high school girl is frightened by this, as this is a big no when mother is home, and so the girl gives him to her older brother, who gives him a hard spanking like the older brother’s father gave him. Then the four year old, who was told to take a nap, starts screaming and wailing for his little brother. He has just had his July birthday, and is still a toddler. The girl comes into the room, and puts a pillow on his face to shut him up. He does eventually, and she removes the pillow before just moments before she suffocates him.
It seems that only the high school girl and her older brother are being paid for the babysitting gig. The elementary age sister, of the three siblings, is hiding in her room, and in a way, bearing witness to the scene. She hugs her doll.
The five year old grandchild, fearing for his life, throws a heavy brass maple leaf shaped ashtray at the older teenaged brother, then turns, leaves the house, and runs away, in a desperate search for his grandpa.
Three years later, the three boys are living in a different apartment, but still in the same small wretched building in New Jersey, on the last exit. It is 1966. They remember the Kansas trip, and their grandma often hushes them, hoping their mother won’t learn of her and grandpa’s mishap. Kathryn has felt terrible for years, and will not forgive herself, but will also not confess. This behavior runs deep in the families. Secrets, old Irish and Scottish, secrets.
It is time for another trip. This time South, and down the coast. The boys are five, six and eight, as this is a June holiday. They get in the car and drive.
A man, who was once just a young boy, thousands of years ago; a nobody in a tragedy where an epic king falls to his knees, emerges on the scene, and he is full of rage. He is a daemon sent from the underworld, and he knows where his retribution lies. He is an ex-Airforce officer, that fell hard and deep into alcoholism when the Airforce fired him for bad eyesight after World War II.
He knows his victims. He rapes a total of nine boys, and also slowly and fiercely rapes and physically abuses his eldest daughter over time. He also murders a little girl in the act of bloody rape, that later will be birthed by this eldest daughter, a catholic girl from Kansas, after [two] other attempts at being born elsewhere. The officer will not be allowed to know or see his granddaughter, but briefly, at two different moments in her life, only one intentionally planned by her mother. The three innocent, hungry, and tired boys are captured, tied up in a closet, mutilated, raped and forever traumatized by this awful man.
Yet, thousands of years ago, he was also just a boy of five or six, in the bushes, watching a young girl that he was just getting to know get bound and brutally raped… not knowing what awful fate was about to seize him.
Thomas Scene 6
Conclusion to C9M
So, after mother Mary and Thomas arrived in Romania,
Jesus had made the long walk to Franco. He was alone,
And he met a young peasant woman there named Simone.
Gratefully, he took her hand in marriage, and they gave birth
Eventually to four children. Two boys and between two girls.
But as Jesus grew to an old man, he craved a quest, as older
Men often do. The two girls were of marrying age, and the
Boys had grown willful in their maturity. They resented their father
And sided with their mother on many things. Though Simone
And Jesus got along well, they were not in love. Because
Of these circumstances, Jesus felt approval to leave. His boys
Resented him for leaving.
Back in Romania, Mary and Thomas were happy and in love.
Still, it was almost like clockwork, when Jesus began to roam
From Franco, Thomas was nudged away from Romania.
Soon, the two men found each other in Italy. Their wives home
In Franco and Romania alone. Mary died soon after. Simone
Moved on and found a new life with a new man. Her and Jesus’
Children all became wed and had healthy families of their own.
Mary died because her “resurrection” was more of spirit than of
Body, and she had no reason to live without Thomas or her sons.
Thomas hated himself for leaving her, but Mary had urged him out
the door knowing that there was a great fate for him to fulfill. Older
Men in these times were meant to leave home.
Jesus knew where he had to go, and with Thomas now at his side
Once again, they left Italy for Egypt. They traveled west into the
Desert, and they found a cave. Both men were tired. But Jesus
Like his mother was ready to die. He told Thomas that his
Body from a past life lay in this cave along with two other
Very important men. Both writers, one a puppet emperor.
Thomas sits with Jesus as he dies, and buries his body in the
Cave. He then took Jesus’ last belongings with him, and headed
Back to Romania to die with his wife.
The journey was long, and Thomas was feeling his age, though
Was very strong and able for his age. But when he arrived in
Romania in the town where he had settled, he arrived to a grave.
The locals had planted tulips, yellow, and native irises, and it
Was early Spring and they were just beginning to bloom.
He fell to his knees by the stone and wept.
He knew Jesus and Mother Mary and himself had fulfilled
their destinies. Thomas, an atheist, was always a true believer
In these two people. Now without them, he grew into an old man.
In his grief and solitude, he found the Lord before passing away.
Just as Jesus and Mary always knew that he would.
“The Vision-Board”
…a comic-life movie (we also call it country frogger).
Character Three - Immortal Human - (STAFF)
Dream Girl, Nick Name “emalito” \ Samoan, Full-bodied, Religious (but do you know what she believes…?)
Special Power - Whatever she dreams, is, can be, and may manifest as real. Can swim anywhere, and everywhere, but is still not a fish, nor a whale. Speaks whale, but only with her Native American flute, and flippers. The heart and soul of “Vision-Board Operations” c.
Handicap - With such an amazing power, also comes an overwhelming responsibility for helping others, greatness, heroics, an achievement disorder; and the balance of this in her shadow, manifests as nightmares, where she can become trapped for decades, as she is Immortal. She relies on her friend, Mystery Girl (her mortal alter-ego) to keep her from falling into these dark pits of despair; for the burden of dreaming all of the dreams that can and should come true is just too great. Addicted to sad music. Knows how to spot true love. No longer possesses the long sought after “Green Hand” relic. Vegetarian, but is allergic to beans and legumes because her father doesn’t like it when her flabby belly hangs out of her shirt, so she chooses to suck the nutrients out of diamonds instead. Listens to classic Musicals all day long.
Character 3.999999999 - Mortal Human - (STAFF)
Mystery Girl, Nickname “emeny” \ (Dream Girl’s alter ego). Nobody knows what she looks like. Seems to show up at dangerous moments to pull the rug out from under the King Pins. Loves to ”save” drug-addicts. If you are looking for her, you will not find her anywhere near High Society.
Special Power - Has a knack for guessing the right answer, winning at cribbage and poker, solving ancient riddles, can read and speak any language. Knack for Environmental Sciences.
Handicap - Often looks like she is wandering around like a blithering idiot when spotted (sometimes naked). Screams randomly, and talks to herself. Some say she has found a place called the Shire, where she mingles among furry elves that don’t know about her Superhero Identity. Also her family and Prometheus never believe her, usually, when she has found a significant discovery, that is if she has bothered to tell anyone (except maybe Everybody Gay Alien, QQ, and Atlas.) Prometheus is always one step ahead of Mystery Girl. The more significant the discovery, the more pitchforks and peanuts can be found lying around town. Could use a friend. If someone says she can’t do something, or that she should be afraid of something, she becomes totally inept, (for example, right now, she can’t type or spell, and is also afraid to masturbate because she might break her private parts.) Other than that, pretty much anything is possible with Mystery Girl. Doesn’t understand Professional Sports and terrible at WAR History. Smokes shark fin. Only listens to Disney music.
Character Nine - Immortal Human - (MANAGER)
Odysseus, Rules Ithaca, Cunning, Wise, True to their nature, Loyal. Protecter of the realms. Has magic scepter made of Jade and Mahogany.
Special Power - Gives careful attention to detail. Rules all mythical kingdoms. Is the one we all are searching for, for Odysseus holds the final clues to all mysteries. Manages the Vision Board, but specifically takes note of Mystery and Dream girl, as she has a gentle hand and manages the Staff. Knew Job from the Bible, as they were best friends and went to the same fraternity. Sexless, but loves sex. Keeps the company of a small furry elf named Ben who secretly knows the location of the magic jewels of the Odyssey. Taught Homer to write. Great teacher but avoids children.
Handicap - Is in love with God. Normally this would not be a problem, but God aka Atlas, is even more elusive than Odysseus as he spends most of his time skoping good sun waves. Can endure immense heat, but this can be painful. Does not feel pain, this can make them cold. Loves Nature, and spends time lost with Venus watching ants and teasing the Goddess Psyche. This can result in a great loss of time. Sober, but still is close friends with many lost to addiction, this too can feel like a burden. Eats seaweed salad and raw fish. Loves to snorkel.
Character Eight - Giant - (TREASURER)
[Nobody knows if he lives forever or is immortal or what exactly is going on.]
Prometheus, Lives in nature. Blue skinned. Hates wearing clothes, particularly underwear. Loves making flower arrangements. Bright green eyes that can charm even human maidens. Prefers to be lost in a difficult task, usually involving untying knots.
Special Power - Controls all Fire. Eyes can shoot fire if needed. Communicates with Bunnies, Deer, Birds, etc. Performs Magic. Cunning. He is strong, but has a soft nature.
Handicap - He does need some assistance from his brothers, Atlas and Everybody Gay Alien, and they must work together, in order to make the conditions just right to set a city or forest ablaze (to kill Locust Eggs and prevent a plague), and/or to stop it from burning, however, they are notoriously in disagreement and avoiding each other. Prefers loneliness, but only because that is what he knows best. Dream Girl’s best friend, and Mystery Girl’s worst enemy. When Everybody Gay Alien is at a loss, he consults Prometheus to find MG. Has really annoying best friend (not DG). Only eats meat.
Character Six - Immortal Angel - (SECRETARY)
Qurto-Quarto, (also QQ), Rainbow Skin, Androgynous. Chemist. Fine silver hair with actual bronze highlights.
Special Power - Invisibility. Travels Dimensions, and can actually enter and interfere (positively or negatively) with people’s dreams. Controls, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. rays. Can see through walls. Owns a collection of 9 stolen creepy dolls. Special ability to know what is going on with both Dream Girl and Mystery Girl, and only shares this with a secret village of gnomes high in the Swiss mountains. Platinum wings. Rescues abused children.
Handicap - Does their best to correct Everybody Gay Alien on misled facts. Similar to Mystery Girl, QQ is the enigma in the night club that you just can’t quite catch a clear glimpse of. Perhaps, QQ would be more social, but is always working on, and dedicated to their secret mission. Makes ugly clothes, and insists that Everybody Gay Alien wear them. Has a record collection, and flies a neon helicopter. Only eats caviar, and quail eggs, plain, for breakfast.
Character Five - Immortal Alien - (VICE-PRESIDENT)
Everybody Gay Alien, Upperclass, Cuban-looking male, who still goes to Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and Cambridge (Great Britain). Teaches Calligraphy.
Special Power - Calms the masses during times of Hysteria. Loves his mother, values family, and collects fine teas. Always looks clean, and wears the finest of clothes. Has amazing personal style that no-one can figure out, and has many mysterious hand-made accessaries, specifically made of hand-tanned leather (for which he uses the scapula of a Dolphin), and linen or canvas. Is the one who can find the locations of Mystery Girl, and pull Dream Girl out of her depressive states with his geographic acuteness and intuitive ESP. Is often saying and doing things that come off as pure enigma. Very Scary. People just sigh, and pose for a selfie. Nickname “The Selfie-Assassin”.
Handicap - Is spotted at annoying places like front row seats at specifically Yankees, Patriots, and Bruin games. Agrees with current science and medicine, and loves to gloat the ‘facts’ (That are usually false, duh!). Has no fault. Has a stuffed rabbit named Bunny, that he stole from QQ. Snacks on Palm Hearts soaked in salt, not sugar.
Character Four - God - (Created the Universe, and beyond…) (PRESIDENT)
Atlas, 100 times as large and strong as Prometheus. Ebony skinned. Loves tiny beads. Visits Museums.
Special Power - Can move planets around, if things need to be adjusted. Is the only one known to Sun-Surf. Controls the weather patterns of Earth, (and other planets, if you must ask.) Likes to paint with Everybody Gay Alien. Nicest guy you’ll ever meet. Authentic.
Handicap - Has slippery hands and is often dropping boulder-sized painted ‘beads’ at inopportune moments. When he drinks root-beer, he is known to enter a hidden extra-personality, and can get really crazy with Prometheus, who then is drinking Tequila, top shelf only. They have been known to wipe out civilizations for sport. Getting rid of the Dinosaurs is their most epic duel to date. Collects garbage. Can lure out Mystery Girl with special trash relics. Has a crush on Dream Girl, which annoys Mystery Girl to no end. Collects micro-machines and bouncy balls. Possesses the glass chocolate cherry of a Sudean Goddess. Collects the dew from Amazon Palm Leaves with a microscopic needle, and makes ice cubes for MG’s gin and tonics. Loves cough drops.
~ FIN ~
Kether - Father
^ magician ^ Fool
Binah - Holy Ghost < empress Chokmah -Son
Moon Sun
………………^ chariot……………Daath, Earth…………^ hierophant…………
^high priestess
^lovers ^ emperor
Geburah- Ezekiel Chesed - Michael
Jupiter/Galileo < strength Neptune/Michelangelo
Zeus/Noah Poseidon/Abraham
Justice^ ^Hermit
Tiphareth - Gabriel
^ hanged man Venus ^wheel
Leonardo Divinci/Solomon
Devil^ ^Death
Hod - Lucifael < Temperance Netzach - Emmanuelle
Pluto/Copernicus Saturn/Rembrant
Hades/Moses Persephone/Sampson
^ Sun ^ tower ^ star
^Aeon Yesod - Samuelle ^ Moon
Joan of Arc/David
^ World
Malkuth - Kingdom
14 Emily Meets Bruce, YAY!!!
Ecclesiastes 10 1-4 : Dead flies make the perfumers's ointment give off a foul odor; so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. 2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left. 3 Even when fools walk on the road, they lack sense, and show to everyone that they are fools. 4 If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your post, for calmness will undo great offenses. - New Revised Standard Version, Abingdon
Vision Doc 1/7/2021
At 900 Fisherman Bay Rd, Lopez Island WA, Pre Civil War
Black woman is held at gun point and walked up a hill in a N central valley to her death.
She is the last One.
First, in a cedar granary built by free African Americans, a native boy of twelve or thirteen ties nine nooses.
The white men force him to set up the ropes.
Nine free African American men are then killed by noose in the high rafters of the building.
A white man then forces the boy to tie a tenth noose, at gun point he climbs up to the top of the building and is told to jump.
He is then cut down, the rope disposed of, shot in the head and his body is thrown in the woods.
Later, the last of the Freedom Nation, led here by the underground by a black man named Thomas (you know, the famous Thomas the Train), black men women and children, are hung in public execution by the new white takeover population, exactly on the road between what is now the library and fire station. Three by three, they are dropped and snapped.
The new white citizens watch.
Thomas is tarred and feathered and dragged down the dirt roads. His mangled abused body is then left for dead in the woods. A Brazilian black citizen, who walked here to Freedom Nation from South America, sits in the woods with Thomas and lies next to him and weeps and prays for their souls. He buries Thomas’s body and escapes. He was a large man, very strong, and Thomas’s closest advisor.
The Native peoples retreat from the area, who had been in harmonious symbiosis with these people of this free and independent Nation - free from all other contact, and that was also in the future virtually unaffected by the Great Depression due to self-sustaining practices, and served as one great island hideaway with its rocky caves and inlets for seafaring bootleggers during dry times strictly imposed by white puritan people up and down the coast at different moments in history. The Natives never permanently settled Lopez Island because they knew of all the souls that had died here. This land was never meant to be settled. Some call it the Garden of Eden and the birth place to human kind.
The executed black citizens are buried in a mass grave on Thomas’s land just north of town on the west side of the road.
Black people were the first official modern settlement of Freedom Nation/ aka Lopez Island circa the early 1800’s?. Most had escaped central America on pirate ships, though some later came across the mainland that successfully having escaped captivity, aided by Native Peoples mostly.
The Spanish Pirate Isabella and Cap-i-tan Por-tu-gal, in the shadow of Columbus, arrived peaceably here hundreds of years prior (You may remember the “Body in the Yard” episode in 2007.) They cut across the Amazon, then sailed up the west coast of Mexico and the Americas. She is still there, buried 10 feet deep or so, her feet pointed to the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the exact center of Lopez, and the island archipelago, a key implanted in her shoe, Preserved in a hard metal coffin, dressed all in black. This was also once me, or “my body”.
Much much earlier Vikings came and invaded the Waitaha, a peaceful Polynesian people. The final battle occurred in this same valley just North of town, over what still today is Earth’s largest water source stored deep in glacial rock. The Vikings piled the bodies, theirs and the others in a 12 foot high heap that was 20 yards across, and they burned.
On the other side of the fence that stands today, on the same land where generations of Waitaha chiefs and ancestors lay at rest, the remaining vikings assembled a small graveyard for their royalty. A decade or so later most all left and moved on. On this same side of the fence, on a plot that is now ~9.25 Acres, a similar granary stands shadowing this valley, now covered in red siding accidentally symbolizing the blood and the dead. In the backyard of this granary/ now apartment, rest the bodies of the nine men, the last woman walked at gunpoint to her death, and two dogs, once recent ancestors to me and Steve’s family; one Steve’s Father, who died of Polio just before he was born in 1961, now Rudy, and one my great grandmother Ana, Charles’ Mother.
History attempts to repeat itself if the truth has not been shared. We hold the stories of history in the trauma memory of our bodies passed down to us from past lives. We can see the patterns in architecture and nature as well if we look closely. Visionaries, Poet’s and Artists often tell these untold stories. They help us to learn and evolve from a past that is otherwise unknown or unwritten.
I was born in the wake of the Jones Town Cult massacre which occurred in Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the northern coast of South America, a mass murder-suicide of members of the People’s Temple Cult based out of CA, USA, which happened November 18th, 1978, before my birthday, March 27, 1979, the same birthdate of Charles’ middle daughter, my Aunt, and the death date of Charles himself. The death toll exceeded 900, including some 300 who were age 17 and under, making the incident one of the largest mass deaths in American history. My sister’s water broke on my birthday, March 27th, 2015, yet Ada was born on the 28th, showing what I believe to be just barely, but still, breaking a curse of some sort in our family line. I have never prayed, praised God so hard in my life at the miracle of her health and life/birth, as well as that of my sister’s.
Just before my 18th birthday, there was another, though much much smaller cult massacre of people wearing matching shoes, covered in purple cloth, that all ate the same meal the night before as they always did. They believed they were to be transcended to arrive on a comet that was passing at that time.
Weird, huh?
How We Imposed Canibalism on or Allies
By Emily LeCLair Metcalf
1.) Introduction
* Date 1769. Hillmen City. Resides South of Seattle. Community of Doctors. Imprisoned white citizens as well as black. Torture in name of medicine.
* Girl witnesses young kids hanging around room on hooks. Still alive. Tortured and bloody. Famous wanted couple.
* Different girl trapped, examined and tortured in house built from an ancient cedar tree. Weird boy, also prisoner, slides open cage door to communicate, feed, assist pathological doctor. Boy helps girl escape. She climbs 50 yards underground through cement pipe.
* She runs downtown to the prison. Realizes whole town is in on it. Learns they are cremating the bodies of the victims in different houses, and learns they are packaging them up as makeup and nutritional supplements to ship to China.
* She then travels along tracks where the town has buried line after line of black citizens. It is possible that they were not doing medical experiments on them, because they were “inferior species”, and also likely that they just lined them up and executed them. She walks over their bodies in the dark. Arrives at the top of the Hill, where she can see a carriage, but she is not sure if she can trust them. They see her and she realizes she cannot.
*Girl gets caught, by men, and locked in dungeon. Mayor slips her a key, and hides her in a shipment of goods.
*Girl arrives in Asia somewhere, and is greeted by a “small man”.
[Turns out Community of Hillmen City was trying to better the Asian community overseas at medical achievement.]
* She runs and keeps on running.
4.) Conclusion
* Town totally dissolves and abandons. What happened in Hillmen city, stayed in Hillman city. Many years later, a Fireworks factory was built on the a smallish hill above the cedar house. An explosive fire killed dozens of Asian immigrant workers. They are buried in a mass grave.
* Many of the buildings still exist today. But, because all was abandoned and forgotten, and slowly resettled over time, no one thought to really carbon date the fuckers.
5.) Epithet
MODERN DAY. Hillman City is now named “Columbia City” to wealthy Seattle folks, and resides within the Seattle city limits. The year is 2004, and W just won his second term. Gentrification is biting at the community’s heels, like the gnarling teeth of a hungry werewolf, with blood oozing from all orifices. An Eagle nest lives above the cedar house of a crazy girl, a painter, and she is writing her first memoir. The white yuppy-hippy parks improvers, tear out the blackberries on the top of Hits Hill (between Columbia City and Hillmen City), where said Eagle hunts, and where she has built her nest. Her food for survival, in the name of ‘preserving native species’, leaves. The Eagle is forced to re-locate. Artist girl feels that that is the final straw, but that is just what it was, a straw. She simply lay laden and heavy, face down on the wooden floor, listening to the election results. Years later, it was the Lithium poisoning that killed her.
The Big Chase
There once was a baby bunny. The bunny was so proud to be alive. Everyone wants to be alive. They just want life. That is all the little baby bunny wanted and the world was good.
One day a young and voracious cat came out of the grass and chased the baby bunny into a trap. The cat was innocent, and filled with the urge to kill. A natural instinct in all creatures. Even the baby bunny knowingly munches on blades of grass that grow from the planet, and are very much alive.
The young cat channels the baby bunny into a frenzied state, where then the young cat’s older brother, Big Cat, whom has a huge heart, but little tolerance for ineptitude, then seizes the baby bunny by its neck, and hence catches the baby bunny.
But it does not end here, for the big brother cat only chooses to teach the bunny/rabbit a lesson, and releases the bunny/rabbit into a fenced yard, where young Lion Dog waits. With haste, the baby bunny is soon in the jowls of Lion Dog. Lion Dog knows his place, his role in the natural cycle of life, and delicately takes the life of the baby bunny.
After the life has left the bunny, it becomes food for Lion Dog. In its death, food and nourishment are provided.
Play: The Killer Dolls
Starring …..
1. “The Little Women” Spring of 1724
2. “A Different Sort of Bronte” Winter of 1837
3. “Bloody Mary” Autumn of 1541
4. “An Artist and His Wife” Late Winter/Imbolg of 1899
5. a.) “The Moors Surrender” New Year’s Day of 1492
b.) “Columbus Sets Sail” August 1492 ?
6. "A ‘Double’ Grave” Autumn of 1864
7. “The Great Depression (1929-39)" Indian Summer of 1929
8. “Present Dayz” Spring, 2012 to Spring, 2021
1.) “The Little Women” - Spring of 1724
A. Meg
B. Jo
C. Beth
D. Amy
E. Gracey
In The United States, in 1724, four sisters plot revenge on their step-father. The four sisters have been bonded through past lives that they have had together, and they are quite happy and functional as a complete unit. After they gain their independence, Meg works with her slave friend Gracey. Together, they dedicate their lives to helping the local Slave population. They are from Orange County, Virginia.
2.) “A Different Sort of Bronte” - Winter of 1837
1837, England
A. Charlotte 1816 -1855
B. Branwell (painter, accountant) 1817 - 1848
C. Emily 1818 - 1848
D. Anne 1820-1849
E. Irish Princess
Branwell keeps Emily locked in the tower. Anne plots the rescue and escape of her sister, and thus herself. Charlotte and Branwell have an incestuous relationship, and are in love. Ann and Emily run to the forest, where an Irish princess awaits them with warm clothing, bedding, food and housing. It is winter. England. Stoke-on-Trent.
3.) “Bloody Mary” - Autumn, 1541
Methven Castle, Perthshire, Kingdom of Scotland
A. 1540-41: Margaret Tudor; Queen of Scotts
B. Henry the Seventh’s Daughter & Mary I Tudor
C. Queen of England and Ireland
D. Henry the Eighth’s Daughter
[Margaret Dies of a Palsy 1541]
Queen Mary imprisons and tortures Margaret in part of her mission to restore the Roman Catholic Church in England and Ireland. Elizabeth takes reign, 1533, and continues to establish Church of England. Margaret dies on October 18th, 1541.
4.) “An Artist and His Wife” - Late Winter/ Imbolg 1899
London, England
The turn of the century/ beginning of the 19th Century
A/B: William Blake & Wife Katherine
[Blake reads stories to his wife, of Michelangelo, Galileo, Leonardo Da Vinci and Copernicus; Katherine helps her husband with his projects]
5.) “The Moors Surrender”: - New Year’s Day 1492/ “Columbus Sets Sail” - August, 1492
The Alhambra, Granada
A: Queen Isabella & Muhammad XII of Granada
B: Gypsy Woman (and Granddaughter)
C: Explorer Isabella
D: Portuguese Capitan
[The date is January 1st, 1492. Isabella and Muhammad discuss Granada’s surrender at the Alhambra. A Gypsy woman comes into the room (with slave asst.), and offers to read Queen Isabella’s palm.]
[In August of 1492, Columbus “sets sail” from Spain with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.]
Queen Isabella sends a Portuguese ship (Portuguese Ca-pi-tan) to sail off, to explore the New World (in March, 1492). It “set sail” from San Sabastian, Spain. It was believed this ship became lost. It, however, successfully sailed along land south to Senegal, and crossed the Atlantic, leaving Africa at Senegal, first spotted land at Cabo Sao Roque, Brazil, and landed at Fortaleza, in modern day Brazil. They continued to gather crew along the way. The mission became land bound, and eventually found its way through the Amazon, to Puira, (Modern Day Peru). A smaller section of the expedition set sail from Puira, with a newly purchased/built single (smallish) ship, and had a Female Spanish Capitana, named Isabella; and the other two-thirds of the expedition headed South via land (Mountains) to Puno, on Lago de Titicaca. The ship from Puira, waited at Clipperton Island, and then re-joined with the Ca-pit-an Portugal, out at sea, making the Fleet 4 ships total. They then sailed North, along the Pacific Coast of America, and sailed into the Strait of Juan de Fuca, arriving at approximately 49 degrees Latitude. They settled in the San Juan Islands, among the Coast Salish tribes of Turtle Island. Isabella died of Cholera. She was buried 12 feet deep, in the Center of Lopez Island, also the center of the archipeligo, with her feet pointing out to the Straight of Juan De Fuca; the way home to Spain. Much of the local Indigenous population, died of Cholera as well; the co-existence, of the wide array of ethnic races, that constituted the settlers from Fleet Ca-pi-tan Portugal, as well as the local Coast Salish and other tribes, were peaceful.
6.) "A ‘Double’ Grave” - Autumn of 1864
Sunnyfield Farm, Lopez Island, WA
Civil War: Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
A: Black Female Settler and descendant of Senegal Explorer
B: Civil war soldier from South, sympathizer to the North
C: Soldier’s Younger Brother
D: Dead baby twins
Haitian Witch Doctor - [Black woman there as Senegal Woman gives birth]
[Soldier’s wife gives birth to twins, and dies just after childbirth, as the Civil War is ending. One baby is born still-born, one dies 11 days after birth. Haitian Witch Doctor, dresses body of mother and still born baby, and nurses other living twin. Mother is buried directly on top of Spanish Explorer, Isabella’s, grave, with two coffins, one for The Mother and one for the babies. Each coffin is carefully built by Soldier/Father. The Soldier turns to the bottle, and hangs himself in the barn….
Both burials (African American Mother, American Soldier) happen in the rain.]
Isabella is buried very deep. At this point in history, no-one knows or suspects her presence.
7.) “The Great Depression (1929-39) - Indian Summer of 1929
Richardson, Lopez Island, WA - October, 1929
A: Family: Father Farmer, Coast Salish Wife, Children: Oldest Boy, Twin Sisters and Three Younger Siblings, Five Citizens.
[Lopez Island is virtually unaffected by The Great Depression. It is a sustainable community. Peaceful country scene on water, as oldest son sets off in boat with his younger sisters, to trade dried salmon, woven goods, squash, camas and potatoes, sea salt, flour, vinegar, cider, and some jewelry, and to get seasonal supplies to prepare for Winter. Coast Salish Wife and her sister, are teaching the younger children how to make vinegar from the apples and pears in the orchard, and the eldest butter from the cows. Father Farmer talks with five others, four men and a woman, while discussing livestock, and the upcoming slaughter.]
8.) “Present Dayz” - Spring 2012 - Spring 2021 - CONCLUSION
Lopez Island, WA
Man strangles girlfriend in the Village. He gets attempted murder charges and is legally excommunicated from the Island and goes to live on Orcas.
The strangled girlfriend dies of alcoholism along with slew of of other mental health “suicides”.
Death just keeps coming. People old, young and middle-aged continue to perish from suicide, alcoholism, and cancer. Island citizens attempt to tackle meth issue. A hate crime occurs. Millennial divorce spreads like a flu.
Many women and men write books.
One woman, certifiably crazy, by the grace of God and financial help and support from the community, her family, and a very good Catholic friend, self-publishes a book of poetry and blogs about her story.
Another man abuses his wife. There is a Native necklace with zero errors from Candy Mountain, Utah.
Years go by. During this time, the crazy and mentally ill woman loses her sanity over several years, as Trump ruins America.
Finally, Trump is no longer President, and now the crazy woman becomes obsessed with seeking serial killers, solving her own story of abuse and rape, and solving the mystery of her mother’s and husband’s childhood rapes. She believes her grandfather is guilty. But she is in an existential crises. “Is grandpa in hell or not? Does hell exist?” She asks herself.
She believes a girl that went missing on Cross road, was kidnapped by a serial killer, in 1991. She believes, that she helps America find the girl’s remains. The crazy girl was communicating with a spirit named Daniel, who was with Dorris, a victim, for many years, in the hopes that her body would be discovered and the prayers of her living family would be answered.
She also believes that these Lopez men that were abusing their women in blind rage and possibly drunk confusion, were haunted and possessed by a curse, that is/was very real. She believed that there are un-discovered victim’s bones of a serial killer, strewn in the woods. She is unwell.
A group of socially conscious and intelligent Lopez Citizens are communing on the new coffee shop deck. They are discussing Community Rights and the Orcas. Another group discusses Social Justice. Others there are discussing Lopez’s “original” orchards, and the settlers’ ancestry and history, that they are aware of….
The crazy woman has arrived sanely again, and is dealing with side-effects of, and adjusting to, her new drug and saving grace, Olansapine (Zyprexa), a mile away. She wonders if Lopez heard her screams about “Freedom Nation”, a free Black society that assembled here years after Pirate Isabella and the Capitan Portugal discovered Lopez Island, in the 1500’s. She wonders if the hour glass in her jewelry box truly belonged to “Thomas the Train” and later Harriet Tubman, as she had dreamed. She is misplacing importance on objects, rocks and other belongings, and this is a symptom of her disease.
In the village a few women gather at an apothecary, dreaming of making their assembly of herbalists and witches more structured, while honoring every individuals’ innate talents. They discuss starting a school of women and men/ witch doctor’s, specifically dedicated to childbirth, wholistic medicine, and basic (or) mental health. This too is in the mind of the crazy girl.
The birds on the island ‘are looking’ healthy, and new species and groups have passed through, and some are settling. The scum in Sheila’s pond-feeding riverbed is healthy and beautiful from a biological standpoint (it just dissolves between one’s fingers). Ravens and crows are playing endless games with small round pebbles. The crazy girl is happy, her husband and community catching their breath after a long winter’s nap.
The End