The Meek
“Greeting the Faithful” 2 Peter 1:1
Simon Peter, a blood servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, a- To those who have obtained b- like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: 2a Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, -KJV
Love is not poor
Love is rich
We are welcomed in this love
We are the many
We are the majority
But we are not the meek
We shall inherit the earth
We are here to receive
And we are here to give
We have free will
And we have a choice
What does making a difference mean?
Are our intentions pure
But our actions flawed?
We must be true to our divine selves
The divine both within and without
We must be able to receive love
In order to give love
Jesus was a good man
He drank wine
And accepted the down trodden
Into his fold
But we must remember he was that
Just a man
Perhaps a man who preformed miracles
But he still was just a man
Perhaps when he ascended to heaven
To sit at the right hand of the Father
He became divine himself
And totally pure
As we all do, when we die
Its is okay to believe in God
It is also okay to be an atheist
Jesus would love and accept you
Either way
Do not let anyone tell you different
This would anger the Son of Man
To no end
Perhaps he would be angry
As he was in the temple
When he flipped the tables
Of those who were bringing capitalism
Onto Holy ground
I Imagine he would be mad
At us for many things
And feel great shame
For every single horrible thing
That was done in His name
Over thousands of years
If Jesus did return
As he said he would
And I do believe him
He would hide
And suffer greatly
For the sins of his fellows
So remember
You are okay
And loved as you are
If you are the meek,
The struggling
The hopeless
Jesus loves you
And it will get better