Little did I know
That the world was changing.
At first it felt ominous,
It felt good.
All the signs were there
To support the evolution,
I felt the ground tilled for new growth,
I set sail on my journey
To find an oasis undiscovered,
Full of possibility,
Rich in the unknown.
The trip began.
I set sail into the sunset,
Feeling free and unattached,
Every bird I saw was new,
Every sunset filled with possibility.
But it is a new world out there,
Full of transcendence,
And unencumbered joys;
Presents waiting to be unwrapped,
Become ominous, foreboding.
Islands undiscovered, promise work,
Shelters unbuilt,
Dangerous caverns and caves await,
And the learning promises to be rich,
But also promises pain.
All life promises pain.
All lessons involve some backward movement,
And now that I have left all that I have behind,
I grieve for the lost relationships,
I mourn the days of old.
Yes, I am free,
I am untethered,
Yet I feel alone,
And sad, grief alienating.
But the tears wash my fresh skin
With newborn salt,
Promising once again the rebirth
That I am following.
Intuitively I plan,
For I have no plan.
Only the guidance from the moon and stars above
And the strong feelings deep inside,
Entrenched deep in intuition,
In the lessons of my body.
I bleed to the Earth as we depart from this new moon,
As we emerge from this retrograde,
Leave my birth sign,
And head once again for the full.
Waxing, Growing, Building,
I become stronger.
I make peace with the black
Dark unknowing of my fertile soul,
Empty, awaiting the seeds
Of a new life.