The Pattern of Austerity
Edited 2/16/14 Written 6/25/13
The Oppression, the burden
Comes down comes over
Opaque beauty and possibility
The Military and Corporations
Paranoia and Drugs
Let alone helping your fellow man
My lungs blackened, time lapsed
There is still a way
To my inner freedom
Culture, profundity, dignity-
Inside the legs is a story
A deep one
Needing to be expressed, released, healed
I am tired of codependence, enabling
Watching my dreams crumble
And wither from within
There is a way out for all of us
I remember Ursula LeGuinn
Seattle Rain, Lopez Slumber
Dreams awakening
To a tremendous sonnet within my soul
God is within, without, around, up and down
Let me roar
Allow me to sing and draw
To speak and write
I will