Spirit Warriors

Spirit warriors, that’s what we are. The people who have survived amazing psychological challenges in life. We may not look like much. We may be just barely getting by. We may not be able to afford rent, we may be living on government subsidies, we may have messy hair or dirty clothes. We may not be in on the latest fashions. We may be awkward in social situations. Our stories may alienate the average listener. Perhaps we have children that are in the world somewhere we barely know. Perhaps our past was filled with incarceration. Perhaps we live in a trailer, smoke pot, and hang out with questionable folks. Maybe we are out there, just waiting to be listened to, to be heard.

It is the stories of people that raise awareness on things like equal rights, basic human rights, and liberation. How has our society treated you? Perhaps you are different, perhaps everyone died in your past and you were left alone, perhaps you were a foster child, perhaps you were institutionalized in psychiatric wards. How does a human being survive this? I know that if we continue and perpetuate the pattern by ignoring these stories, we are only becoming part of the problem. Where in you life are you privileged that you take advantage or are simply unaware of your blessing? Did you receive an education? Can you read? Are you white? It is time to start thinking globally. It is time to be a part of a global community. But first we have the opportunity right in front of us to acknowledge the lives of those who are misunderstood and have been punished by an unforgiving society.

I myself am incredibly privileged. I have parents, I was not abused as a child, I went to private schools my entire life, my parents have money, I learned to read, I am not gay or hispanic or black and I live with white privilege every day. But there are many ways to be discriminated against. Even with all of these blessings, I still became disabled. I am gifted and psychotic. I do not fit. Western culture put me in a psych ward, said I needed meds. It is possible if I was understood differently at a younger age this could have been avoided. Even my own mother wanted to put me in government housing. I happened to know a little bit about what these places were like, and even though she could convince herself they were safe, that our government was good, I assure you they were not. The mental health world is very ugly. I imagine there are all kinds of reasons people end up there. It is not black and white. Look at me. Everything was in my favor and still I barely dodged the bullet. I have had just enough exposer to this other world that I have developed compassion, awareness and understanding.

I wish people weren’t perfectionists, high achievers, body sculptors, all to please basically Uncle Sam. I recently was exposed to my dear friend’s stories and photos of her life on the res. At least in her spiritual view of the world there is acceptance and a holiness for all living things. I feel that with her. The thistles and Indian tobacco, plants my parents see as weeds, are considered holy plants that contain medicine. Perhaps it is the weeds, the people we see as weeds, that contain the most medicine. Again, I find myself grateful for my disability and all that it has taught me. We must be the change we wish to see in the world. It starts with you and me, spirit warrior.