Arrival of Dreams

I know I wrote a blog recently, but I am just so moved right now to write I can’t contain it. Thank you to all of my readers for your emotional support, and to those of you who have donated to my campaign to publish ‘Glass Slippers’, I thank you immensely. I started a Go Fund Me campaign for my book one day ago and have raised a substantial amount of money that should more than get me started on my dream. It is one of many that I have. I dream that my family will love each other with whole and forgiving hearts. I pray for the dream of Steve and I living a long and healthy life together. I have dreamt of art school and being a musician, both of which have come true in their own way. I dream of being a wise woman and sharing many years with my niece. And now I have a dream of being a writer, and it has already happened, with my blog and all of you. How blessed I am in this life. Yes, there have been hard times, but now I seem to only see the fruit. I am here on this beautiful land, a place where I can stay indefinitely, and I wish to stay. Steve is going to see a surgeon about his spine and I can only say I feel blessed that he is in good hands and that God will be watching. I have felt so spiritual, and I know that my relationship with the omnipresent is aiding in me following my dreams, and in them coming true.

My juice and soda water is cold, and pours down my throat with exilerance. I am not sure if that is a word, but I am going to keep it. It is early, but I slept, having worked a full shift at the Library yesterday, I went to bed early. I am on top of the world right now, but in a calm and cool fashion. I am not manic, and hopefully will not become manic in the spring days to come. I plan on watching my health very closely, managing my time at the gym, avoiding alcohol, getting good sleep, and balancing rest with activity. I have spoken on this blog much about the ways in which I manage my health. This is important, but I am seeing the fruits, and as I read through the pages of my book, my blog posts over the last couple of years, I can see that I have been managing well for some time.

Recently, I feel I have a renewed sense of Faith. I can't explain it. Mostly I have spent the winter going to Quaker Gathering and my Ekhart Tolle group on Mondays. I have been focused on being in the now and meditation. But I had a short discussion with a friend recently about the ever present philosophical question of whether we worship God from within or without. Sometimes praying to a christian God can seem like we are praying to a God outside of ourselves. I think this is partly true, but that if you are a true believer, you sense that God is truly within. This helps in blending and incorporating all of my philosophies. Everything I learn is supplemental. I love Tolle’s teachings, the meditation of Quakers, and in my own time I am prone to have a full on discussion with God as well. I believe there is room for the Great Spirit being both within and without. He is all around me in Nature, and I can actually feel heaven surround me sometimes, as the people who love me who I know are there come close to this plane. Mostly, I feel connected, to myself and God and I am grateful.

So here is to following our dreams. May life bless you with the path and knowledge and strength to do so. There are so many roads to travel, and they all lead home. Home to ourselves, home to love and comfort, home to prayer and solace. So welcome home. May we all find peace there as our roads lead to the arrival of our dreams.