Casting out Fear


“Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.” 1 John 4:18

I put you on the cross, world. I give you unto Him; I ask that all that you are that is unholy be crucified in the name of our Lord. I wish for you a resurrection of mind, body and spirit - only the best. I am not guilty, I am not shamed. Nothing is my fault and I refuse to take the fall for you. I am free. I stand strong, dressed in green, surrounded by books and diamonds; I am covered in bronze and purple armor. I do not live by bread or money, but by your love. It feeds me and gives me all that I need. I will not test the Lord in unfaithfulness, yet I will give all to Him and I will listen. I will participate through every moment, making the choice to be yours. And I will serve you, only you. No other deity or idol shall have my subservience, and in everything I do I will honor you.

This is a testament that I am making. Knowing that I am good, I choose to not continue the burden which my ancestors have laid upon me. I am free now.

There are many things which I am learning these days. The one and most important is how to be a true follower of God. Now that I am with Him, I can see how often evil tries to pull me into its throws. I and others around me are constantly under attack. At the risk of sounding a bit crazy, I see snakes everywhere. I have been guilty of listening to and becoming entangled and strangled by these serpents in the past. If you are still reading this, I thank you. I must write what is true for me, and though I know it is not necessary for me to publish my every thought, I am not afraid anymore. I do not feel I need to hide, and rather I wish to bear my self openly to the world because I am not ashamed. I believe, and have for a while, that if it is true for me, it does not matter what others see. If what I speak and feel is my truth, it does not matter if all can see or if I keep it hidden in my very own heart and mind. Thus, the practice of exposing myself to the world and internet is a practice in releasing the shame that has been handed down to me.

I abandon all fear. I find an identity in love. I exist here as I am meant to be, as a princess, as royalty, as completely perfect. I have protection now and I am not afraid anymore.