All of Me

I just heard from a friend from ages ago, so nice to hear her voice. Sometimes we go through changes in life and move across the country and start new, leaving places and people behind to fill our memories and become virtual ghosts. But these friends, these true friends, will always be a part of our physical and spiritual bodies, affecting us for years to come. I am grateful for my past friendships, and though I am not friends with this particular one on Facebook, I can still contact her by phone or email.

Those of us that are special also come with many funny corks. I know some of mine are goofy behavior, a ready temper, and sometimes a critical stance. But the best of us, when we love someone, are ready to accept the whole person. We set the flaws aside and sometimes even deeply understand them as part of the beauty and blessing of others and our own personalities. Life is built on imperfection, and I wouldn’t trade any of mine or those special to me corks for anything.

Sometimes the most beautiful days to me are those that are dreary and grey; whether I am out walking in the dismal beauty or lounging at home with a book. I have often said that I could not live somewhere where it was sunny and seventy degrees 300 of the 365 days of the year. It would feel bland and unchanging. I love the weather, the wind and storms, the mist and frost, the sun baking, and the rain pounding or sprinkling for days on end. People are much like the weather to me; we must accept all of the change and cycles of each other’s lives and personalities to get a full picture on reality. We must accept all of the colors, even the browns and greys to dive in and experience life. I am thankful for all of my moods and for every patch on the tapestry that is myself, and I hope to find others in this life who can appreciate all of me, and love every part of who I am.