God Is They

God is they, them

Gender is a social emotional text

That we read

Upon peoples bodies

Their behaviors

Their identities

The reason God is a they

Is because God has no gender

God is all gender

God is both man and woman

And everything

Around, within

Left, right

Up and down

God both exists

And doesn’t

Two realities can exist together

As one

God is dead

God is alive

Both are true

In our society

In our world

Humans can carry the one

To extinction

They do math in their heads

And all they have is one

One dimension

One thought

One reality

That is why they say

God is Alive!


God does not exist!

They believe it is true

And they have won

They have one

They are singular

They cannot perceive other

They forget there are two

In fact there are more than two

There are many

Abortion should be legal

Abortion should be illegal

Two sides at war

We are many lives

Lived here and now

Past present future

And now

Abortion is both

Legal and illegal

In some ways

We are making progress

Even though it does not seem so

The stones are cast

The clay settles in the water

Then all becomes clear

It is a process

It is a journey

That we are taking together

In a way there is only one

One God, in each

Of the Google of moments

But there are also many

Both can exist

Both do exist

They is many

It is also the one

This is where we get lost

But losing ourselves

Is part of growing

It is part of evolving

Alone as one

Together as many

We are they

I am they

We all must have a voice

Voice is our choice

We must speak and be heard

One at a time

Just remember

It is not about you

It is about us


The many

The They