Once I was Gifted

When I was a girl

I went to SCDS

Seattle Country Day School

They called us the Cuntry Kids

We were special

Not just rich

We were gifted,

And some of us were Scholarship

Like Eric Hansen

I was like

Holy Shit!

You are a pitcher for the M’s!!

Me and Jenny played Football

Heather and I played Babysitters Club

And we hid arrows and bows in the dirt

I was Betsy Ross

And Carmen Miranda

We had Sex Ed

We learned about Fibronachi,

I was Paula Abdul in a talent show

Us girls

And we won…

In Second Grade

Ingrid, Wendy and I

Won third place in a Recycle Robot

State contest

And we won a small black and white TV,

I invented a bicycle that was charged as you pedaled it,

It had an Umbrella

And served Lemonade

Girl Child.jpg

But really…

When the world hit me like a bucket of rocks,

I woke up and I was forty years old and and am mentally disabled.

I am Schizoaffective,

Developed from a lifetime of existential depression.

I am Trans and suffer with Irritable Male Syndrome- IMS,

I have been looking on the other side of the curtain for behavioral answers all my life.


Life is pretty good

I live in the USA so the Government takes care of me

AA is da bomb

Meds rock these days

I did write a book and climb a mountain

I even got a standing ovation,

My education - 

7th grade at Dentston College in Stoke-on-Trent,

“Mivel’s Ravine” read at Eighth Grade Graduation,

Northwest School; Improv, Environment,

The Power Trip etc. etc….

My world travels to Spain and Italy

Student Conservation Association

Mills College for a moment, New Zealand


Post nineteen, the love of my life for over twenty years,

And at least I am waking up to the truth.