Spirit Mother
The web of life
Spider magic
I am in the realm of mystery
We are woven together
In magic
I am in a fractal
My delicate energy
My sacred essence of spirit
Held in a holy pattern
Tendrils swim
Woven by the light
By mother spider
A sacred stone, I am
A crystal obscure
Deep frequencies
They emerge and speak
Telling secrets of the earth
Of past journeys
Of past lives
A spirit quest
Sometimes the essence
Of what is golden
Of true consciousness
Is not easy to find
It is layered deep
In many lessons
Woven in questions
Held in a scared balance
Our minds cannot comprehend
We must use our intuition
Dream deep dreams
Shed holy tears
Lift waves of grief
Then deep beneath
We may discover
Our essence
Our purpose
Our gift
Waiting to be uncovered
I listen, grieve and wait
Stillness my path
Memories of this life and others
My guide, my map
My journey unfolds
Ends and begins
Over and over again
Reaching deeper every time
Layers unending
Depth insurmountable
Questions remain as I waken
Guides to new beginnings
I am reminded gently
By the spirit mother
At every turn
With eyes open