Spring Waves Wash Over Me

At the stroke of March, in came evidence of the delicate and beauteous transition into Spring. Though still three weeks away, the last three nights have been filled with the cacophony of the voices of frogs, and the days filled with new sounds of birds that eagerly are singing in the season. The bulbs have pushed up into the light, and the grass has started to grow. I feel the desire to truly relax, and to sit with all of the change. While sitting, breathing, and listening to the sounds of Spring, I slowly become fueled and invigorated. This early March is a time for adjusting and reassessing. I want to honor that I am graduating Winter. I have made it. When my partner announced that daylight savings will be on March 13th, I couldn’t believe it. Could we be that close to longer days and springtime sun?

I want to sit with my thoughts. The last six months have been about sobriety and taking one day at a time. Diligently, I went to the gym three days a week. I walked to town eight days in a row during snowy weather to buy groceries. I also pushed myself to get chores done, and developed increased discipline around keeping a tidy and clean home. There are times still, where I have to take a break, and put off the things that need to be done. But I do my best. And the writing. I have continued the practice of my blog through it all. I am about to pay my yearly subscription to Squarespace, marking the end of eight consecutive years writing and contributing to this blog. I crave to make some poetry entries. Spring is a time that often evokes inspiration in me to write poetry. Everything is new. All has been bathed in the darkness for many months. We emerge new and clean. 

It is time for stillness, and reflection. Even if Winter was a time for hibernating, I feel that I have come to the end of a long journey. I have buckled down on my goals. I have pushed diligently day after day with routine. It is time to throw my cards in the air, and to see where they fall… onto the green grasses of Spring. It is a time for letting go and relaxation. The sun will invigorate me, and soothe the hollow frozen caverns of my being. As I allow my mind to wander, and as I rest and breathe in the Spring air, I can offer the reward that I need for all that I have accomplished. I have been reminded of the influence of God in my life. I have knowledge that there is a solution for my ails. I have learned that in the darkness, I can still find my strength and willingness. I can appreciate and let the wisdom I have acquired unfold around me like the petals of a giant lotus flower of which I sit in the center. I can let go and listen to the music. I can let go of control, and allow the soft tendrils inside of me that want to grow and sprout become nurtured by the slow, sunny, and relaxing day that I embrace this season. 

It is a time of transition. We all know that transitions can be rough, so give yourself a long extended moment to breathe in the fresh Spring air, and to listen to the soft voices that live inside of you. As you do this, remember that there is good in the world, and that there is purpose in the dark struggles we go through collectively and individually. In this time of war, is is especially prudent to pray. Pray in whatever way this looks like for you. I will be doing this, while dreaming of my first swim in the pond, long summer walks, and cherry and plum petal snow.

Emily LeClair Metcalf