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Defirmative Action

When I was a child, I went to only Private schools, all the way through High School and on into College. I spent my youth riding around North caucasian Seattle, looking at expensive houses, because my Father was one of the top Brokers in Seattle Real Estate. I spent my after-school time in his offices, or at the Bon Marche and Nordstrom Day Care Centers. I spent my weekends and my school breaks at the Ski Resorts, and flying to Hawaii, and California. Later, starting at age seven, we began traveling Internationally every Spring Break; our first trip was to Japan. My birthday would be spent on an Airplane, and because my mother was a Flight Attendant for United, she would know the staff, and she or they would bring me sundaes from first class, or take me into the cockpit for a view of the Pilots. Often, we would fly first or business class, as we always flew stand-by, and we would spend our long layovers wandering around the airports; Chicago, Denver, Hong Kong, Tokyo. I traveled to… (Let’s see if I can get this in order) Japan, Bali, Thailand, Brazil, Costa Rica, England and Wales, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Thailand, Guatemala, and New Zealand. We spent Christmases in London at the Phantom of the Opera, which I have seen three times, Les Meserables, or whatever other half-price tickets we could get. I have been to Hawaii 17 times, twice before I was 1 year old, and only four times since I was nineteen.

If this isn’t White Privilege, then I don’t know what is. I believe, since we started Affirmative Action more than several decades ago, we have come against ridiculous road blocks in the determination to preserve the systemic white priveledge institution that is in place, all the whilst “inviting” the majority minority in to join us. Did we not know that we were in Hell?? I did! I grew up as a privileged girl, born in 1979, in a small white town, and everything was given to me with ease, with discipline, and inside of glass oppressive walls that were supposed to be rosy, coveted and blessed. 

Privilege is not blessed if it is at the cost of the Meek. Jesus had a hope for the Meek to inherit the Earth. But God came first, and God gifted us Free Will, because we deserve to have a Choice, and because it is our Responsibility to transform the World into a place where we look out for our unfortunate brothers and sisters, white and colored alike. Whatever color you are, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple, Gray or Brown, you may suffer from a disadvantage. However, Caucasian people suffer from this disadvantage as well, and are very poor in many environments; and there is the rule/fact/proof, “number one”, of why Affirmative Action does not work.

We DO NOT WANT to lift the Meek up so they can see over the wall from the vantage point of us privileged folks. No… THIS WILL NOT WORK! Did it? Wake up… we need to tear down the privilege. No, the wall will not disappear. Trump is right about one thing, the wall, the door, the Gates of Heaven, exist for a reason. But what we have done wrong, especially those of us, like me, who were raised in this crazy glass world of privilege, is that we refuse to throw away the stilts that we walk around on. Are they really that fun? Maybe we are the Clowns. I sure felt oppressed by the Circus I grew up in. I hate riding in cars, I don’t like to go in planes, I detest any sort of department store, or shopping of any kind, I do not ski or snowboard. Done. I was out when I was 13, because I had traveled the world internationally, and my eyes were opened because of it. The People, the Architecture, the Food, the Spirituality; ALL OF IT. But I was not permitted to go to Garfield, my choice of Public high school, because my mother insisted that Public school was not safe, and thus I was forced to follow the rule of continuing and perpetuating the way of my very enclosed privileged and protective shelter.

So, it is not Socialist. It is Compassion, it is Christ, it is foretold by the ancient scriptures and profits. The Meek shall inherit the earth. The riches were never ours to keep. If you don’t give it freely, trust me, God will take it from you.