
The ring of power.jpg

She Spoke. She lifted her head from the waters in the Salish Sea. I believe it was May 28th, in the darkness of the night, 2019, Lopez Island, Washington State, The United States of America, planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy. She is an ancient creature. The Greeks know of her, and Hollywood even made a movie titled “The Clash of the Titans” where she starred in a scene. Of course, this movie was filled with violence and was computer simulated. Perhaps she hid for a couple thousand years. The wounds from the human race too much to bear. It is unbelievable, that even in this place that I call home, where Ferries travel, where we have a utility company, where we do road work, that such a creature could live beneath the waters. That literally thousands of people could travel above the Earthly location where she hides ,every summer, on their tourist vacations from the cities.

It brings me right back to the miraculousness of the nature of Earth. That there is so much still, that we do not understand. That we should give a little more credence to our predecessors, and the myths that keep us afloat in the recesses of our imaginationS. The Greek myths, the adventures in the Bible, the wisdoms of Thoreau and Emerson. A book by Thomas Moore, “The Care of the Soul” writes of the soul, examining the healing powers of the ancient myths of the Greeks and Romans. This book is very helpful in finding a wholistic approach to healing. Mental health is the beginning. I think we should start here, with our minds. With our imagination, our Rage, nightmares, and dreams.

I could’ve told myself, convinced myself, that it was not She that reared her head in the dark, quiet waters, on a night in 2019. But is was she. I only witnessed the sound, because I believe. Because I allow expansion of my mind, and wonder, to fill my life. I do not want to live life in a prison. I do not want Science, Art or Religion to put me there. And the triangular cycle is spinning. Of course there is no up, there is no down. Nothing technically can or should be upside down. The place we call home is round, and we collectively understood this truth around 15th century, it seems, at least this is how far back we can track this knowledge, in our text books, in our daily provable realities. But Copernicus and Galileo, still were understanding something that we can now prove that the Babylonians had in their grasp in Mesopotamia; what we call the birth of civilization, like 30,000 years ago or something. Anything is possible. We, first, and foremost, need to understand this, if we want to break free of our viscous illness, which is just a cycle, a rut that we perpetuate out of ignorance. Basic geometry starts with a point, then a line, then a shape, and so on and so on, like letters in an alphabet, like elements on a periodic table, like plants and moons in our solar system. But, what if some have been forgotten. What if we are holding back. Because people are suffering. How can we run ahead with space travel while humans starve. One reality negates the other. Because the definition of evolution leads the to conclusion that we as a species have kicked it up a notch. Not just Bezos and Paul Allen. Not just Trump and Putin. Not just an actress on a sitcom, or your rich annoying parents. How many dimensions are there? How high can you count?