
“In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

"Chaos" is an interdisciplinary theory stating that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, self-organization, and reliance on programming at the initial point known as sensitive dependence [on initial conditions].”


The Butterfly Effect.jpg

I my opinion, this latter definition of chaos lends to the proof, that we as a species, who are innately, biologically, and subconsciously linked to the planet, contain an inner intelligence, if we tap into it. Like the third eye; represented in the fact that horses and dogs have much larger third eyes, communicate this way. This also leads me to believe that plants and animals are more conscious of their connection to the planet (birds, dogs, wolves, deer, trees), and they govern this planet very intelligently. The planet we call home, acts as a chaotic and intelligent being. Though nature seems to flow, and grow, naturally to entropy, we witness how life and existence, on ‘her’ surface, is constantly coming back into balance. Humans not being aware and respectful of their “sensitive dependance” results in what we deduce as major imbalances. Women with eating disorders, greedy politicians, plastic in our oceans; these all are examples of us being out of balance. (Most likely caused by the ego, or what some refer to as evil.) But don’t you think that there is a solution that mother Earth has in store for us? The best way to heal our planet, is to awaken to our sensitive dependance, open up to our awarenesses, slow down, heal, and speak to the animals and mother nature. To communicate with the system, fractals and programming that is already in place. Remember, it is a law, so it applies to electrical currents, lava flow, wifi and 5g, even what we think of as man-made or radioactive elements, I believe. Plan B… that is trusting that these monster storms, political crises, the extinction of species, and the melting of our ice, is just a give into entropy that will maturely and intelligently become resolved over time.

My vision was of another butterfly. Though Spider lives here, and is a symbiotic species to our planet, Earth is really just a butterfly. And she may not seem like it to the beginning astronomer, but we are moving through space looking for a mate. She is hunting a mate. This was what my sensitivity, third eye, sensitive dependance, showed me. The butterfly effect, as you can see in the diagram, is anything but linear. It relies on chaos theory, which by design appears as fractals. Time folds in on itself. 

The other day, I discovered that there is a cluster of stars visible from Earth called the Butterfly Cluster. Perhaps our sensitive dependance, led us to name this cluster that, because that is where the butterfly we are seeking lives. The positive to our negative. Which brings me back to creativity. Being creative is the most nurturing form of healing there is. Be it cooking, sex, painting, writing, building, fixing cars and old machinery. It is a relationship. Finding a creative outlet, finding time in your day to express your inner creature, let it out, may result in one being able to communicate with the web, the matrix, the butterfly effect of our home. And remember, making copies of something is the epitome of the wrong way to go. Though we learn through imitation, we must remember we are all different for a reason. In doing these things, you are helping. First you are helping yourself, then, you are helping our existence as a whole.