
Ani Difranco.jpg

How does the human race evolve? What does it mean that I live with a disability? Could it be that I am low on the Darwinian barometer, and that I should just be squashed in this ever evolving world that we live in? I have a friend who is a realist. He has amazingly written about his life in a realist way, not avoiding the harsh truth of what it was all about. I myself am a bit of an un-realist. I write about hope and I believe in God. Though recently I did write a post about existentialism and I really think that that is true to God and realism simultaneously in a very surreal sort of way. But my thoughts on the matter of disability, whether it be mental or physical, my true honest thoughts, and a place where I can confidently say that I stand, is that we exist to push man to the next phase of evolution.

How does this work? You tell me. Have you ever been challenged to think outside of the box by someone who is lesser abled? Even someone that just rests slightly outside the line, and simmers in the periphery of your vision? We cannot remain comfortable and still evolve as a species. It is in the struggle, in the striving, in the mistakes and the cuts and the bruises that we learn. I want to learn. No, I, myself, cannot learn in the current educational system and colleges that exist today. Why? I hated to accept it, but I had to eventually, like it is a proverbial two by four that continues to tackle me and subdue me. Myself, with schizoaffective disorder not only failed at school, it landed me in the hospital several times. So I started SA. Maybe that acronym already exists, but for this girl it stands for Schools Anonymous. And that may sound like a load of crap, but they say true insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. And my goal here is to not be insane.

I can read books, I can work normal jobs, and life has not been so bad out here on the edge of society where most people live anyway. So I challenge all you people there on the inside, with your jobs, with your monies, with your houses and cars; think outside of your little box of comfort. Evolve, contribute to the evolution of our species, and notice those of us who are suffering. We may have a need, we may be a pimple on the skin of our government, but we are here for a reason. The human race needs to change and evolve if we are going to pull ourselves out of this mess we are in.