

Meditation takes us deeper. It is prayer in a very abstract and personal sense. I have been praying with a mala and chants from a book with meditations depicting the Aramaic words of Jesus. I am grateful for the peace that comes. This morning I prayed a chant with the 108 beads of the mala three times. I wish I could tell you the answers to my question. “What emotion is important to you, and what action is needed now?” There were some sensations that came, but mostly I went deeper into a place that will remain with me throughout the day. Eventually, the answers may come.

I have been delving deep into the tarot and have been dabbling in spirit animals, the magic of stones, Bach remedies and the pendulum. It has been a fun and potent couple of weeks. All of these activities only enable me to reflect deeper. I am unsure where this is all taking me. Right now, around the time of Easter and my Birthday, the Spring Equinox and the beginning of Spring is where I travel to other places in my mind and spirit. Sometimes it is difficult, but I am making the most of it this year. I have been plagued with springtime symptoms for my entire adult life, and these last ten years have been about mastering this time of year. First I tried to conquer it, and now, I am learning to let the softness creep in and teach me to yield to these symptoms and to find the magic therein.

I am finding the magic. I am full of it. It passes through me as I travel. Perhaps this is the gift I was searching for. Talk of witches and magic is prevalent on the internet in social media right now, and though this is strange to me (to meld the cell phone with magic which is about natural forces), it has got me asking questions about myself. And then comes the contradiction. How can you be a witch and a follower of Jesus? As I go further on my journey, I see how these only compliment each other fully. Perhaps Jesus traveled to India, and perhaps he practiced magic. So it is not contradictory, and this year is about paradoxes integrating. My growth card is temperance which is about the water and the fire in my nature coming together to make steam. The deeper I go, this only makes sense. 

So I am grateful for Jesus, for mother, Ma. All is blessed and sacred on this journey. It is about yielding to God, Life and the Tao. I am learning to retreat, to yield, and in doing this I am able to conquer so much more.