
The shape of the world bends, it is flexible and malleable. Life does not exist on a singular line as we often think it should. What we think is reality one minute is greatly affected by the changing weather patterns of our minds, and in the moments to come we can seem completely different people. I have a lot of simple goals in life. Two of which recently are reading and yoga. It seems like a simple mantra but it gives me something to focus on and work towards. And though I have reached these simple goals the last few weeks I also have to allow for synergy in my complex being. Goals are not only linear and things can magically crop up that have been with us for years. We may, for example be headed in a direction, in a very linear fashion for a couple of weeks and then find ourselves uncovering something deeper that leads us un a new direction entirely. I need to allow for this flexibility in my life. Synergy is key, the blending of light and dark.

She walks down the road, her backpack draped over one arm, her boots laced but untied. The weather is ominous, there is smoke in the sky from fires burning up in Canada. The sunlight shines golden orange and the air is strangely still. Her thoughts wander to the past and future. Where her past will bring her in the upcoming years, who she is becoming as a mature woman. People and experiences scourge her mind, leaving imprints, reminding her how they have affected the soft clay of her being. She is hopeful. The music on her iPod takes her on a journey within herself. She greats her self and acknowledges there are unknown places inside of her. She listens as one foot is placed in front of the other and as she watches the landscape that passes her by. A bus stop, a tall old deciduous tree, the cars and buses traveling down the road. She is nowhere, she is here, she is free yet held by the confines of her being, of this life.

As I grow and become stronger and more secure in my creative self, the more I journal, meditate, walk, eat and work lately, the more calm I have become. I seem to be letting go of the past and future and I am allowing for true healing transformation to take place. I am finding my strength, my power, overcoming fear, and growing into the being that I have worked towards and walked toward for many years. I am allowing for synergy, for things not being perfect. I do not want to forget old friends as I reach toward the new. I want to put value to all of the experiences I have had in life and look back with acceptance and love, not grief and pain. As above, so below. As it is within, so it is without. I channel my inner priestess as I raise my arms in the beginning of my sun salutation, and I lift up my soul. I am here, I am growing, healing, blending, becoming, knowing and accepting. This is me.