
Well it has been an interesting and difficult month as I have recently taken on a new medication. It has taken a lot longer to adjust to this new medication than expected. I have been incredibly sleepy, dizzy, nauseous, and weak. It has kind of sucked for lack of more poetic words. Yesterday, I woke at 4:45 am and miraculously felt amazing. I journaled then went for a glorious swim in the pond at 5:30 am, orange light haloed the clouds, a moon greeted me in the sky, and ravens played mischievously above my head. I continued throughout the day with energy and spunk. We went to the beach, I watched my niece for a couple of hours, and finished the day with friends over a glass of wine with music at a local venue. Today again I awoke feeling great, and have been able to be active with enthusiasm, my strength returned, and a positive outlook on life that comes form being properly medicated. I am thrilled to embrace life once again. Before the meds change I struggled for a couple of months as it was the difficult time of year for me and it seemed that my medication was not properly adjusted. So I am ever grateful for western medicine and the bounty it can bring, even if there are hurdles along the way.

Another medicine I have been savoring is time spent in the woods on my property, just sitting and emptying my thoughts. I root myself directly on the earth and let it absorb from me whatever is inside that needs absorbing. This is my natural healing time and I always walk away feeling renewed and satisfied. I have become intimate with this small area in the woods that I return to daily with my cup of coffee. I couple this time with walking the dogs, and they go exploring and chase rabbits and deer, while I sit, and eventually they come join me or pass through and just day hi. Often a deer comes running through avoiding me with just enough space having outsmarted my simple minded furry children. They are good dogs and do not roam far. I then have been emerging into the sun to soak in the grassy fields that have grown so tall and thick. The wind blows and the sun dances on the field, the roses release their fragrance, and often the mountains are out on the horizon to greet me with their still snowy peaks. It is in these moments when I am filled with gratitude once again for the life that I live and the place that I get to call home.

So once again, I take in all that is beautiful and am grateful that my hurdles are not more than I can handle. Steve is recovering and I am through a major difficulty. Life is good once again and I can look forward to embracing all that lies before me in abundance of opportunity. I will write, play with Ada, swim, journal and visit with friends. I plan on returning to the Library, help my father with his pipeline awareness booth at the Farmer’s Market, attend a fiction group, and get back to walking or the gym. I have been waiting for this with perseverance and faith, knowing that if I only can sit with the discomfort, relief was on its way. It is a journey and I am grateful to just be once again.