Steve gets it
He is the beginning of the X generation
I am the end
But I get concepts and images and have very little Audio retention
Now I am in Menopause,
And I get it before him
It just changed
Though not much has changed because he is the opposite of me astrologically
I am an Aries Sun, Aries Moon with a Cancer rising,
Steve is a triple Libra
That is why I can communicate with Simone
Whom is a Cancer
I have always been in love with Simone
But she has had a hard time since her Father committed Suicide
She grew up on a small Island where I grew up as a part timer, but never lived for many years
I have had a hard time too; I am a mental health patient
Steve has Kleinfelders Syndrome
Steve dated a woman 21 years ago before we got together, in 1998
She died of a motorcycle crash on Heroin
She had a miscarriage with Steve
He loved her and hated to see her struggle with addiction
Both Steve and Simone love Crossword puzzles
Steve’s mom was a Dean of Literature, a poor teacher raising three boys in Orange New Jersey in the Sixties and was a cross word puzzle savant
Dorothy died of Alzheimer’s
Simone fell in love with Kevin when we moved here in 2007
I had just come from Harborview and was surviving the worst break I have ever had
A great economic crash happened a year later
I began to get better from my mental illness and have much improved these last 9 years
Kevin had a son around the time I moved here with his High School sweet heart from Indiana
The same time of my psychotic break and the demise of the economy later in 2008
This boy I believe is the spirit of Monica’s and Steve’s miscarriage
It was very hard for me to take my eyes off him at the children’s center when he started coming to school
He was a troubled child
Ali began doing meth and Henry’s parents divorced
I watched Henry and began playing music with Kevin, Henry's dad
Now, I the tail end of the X generation am friends with Simone
We both are recovering and she quit drinking
My whole family is on Lopez and I have a beautiful niece and nephew, Ada and Weston
I am still in love with Steve and hope to meet all of my big brothers someday, Mike, Bruce and John
The name of the baby Steve and I aborted when I was 20, he 37, a true Miracle, is yet to be decided
I have always wanted a big brother