New Worlds

It has been a couple of weeks since I have written a blog. It has been a really special time. We had a beautiful and sweet thanksgiving with family and we have had dinners and time spent together in quality nurturement. I also have been taking space for myself. I decided to not go on a family trip to Hawaii this next week, so that I can preserve this gentle and special intuitive space that I have created.

I have been reveling in a divinity tool that has helped me with much introspection. I have continued my daily writing for a half an hour in the mornings and have added time where I lay out the tarot cards and give myself a reading. I usually pray beforehand, often to Jesus, to guide me in a reading that is fulfilling and brings light to my path and aids me on my journey. There are beautiful descriptions in the cards and I truly believe that there is a divine pattern and guidance to what cards I lay out. My angels, the Holy Spirit, God, the Goddess, all guide me in my readings.

Today, I am in a place of overcoming deep past disappointments in my life. I am doing this. I am finally freeing myself of the language, the over identification with my illness. Years ago I decided that I must rid myself of calling my illness a disease and reframe the whole story of my life to understanding my journey as being gifted; to see my journey and illness as a gift. I see this now, though it has taken years of prayer and meditation to discover this within myself.  The ego can attach itself to positive or negative roles, but the truth is that we must find our identity with God. God has blessed me in this life, and even though my journey has included struggle, it has also brought me many gifts. Strength, intuition, prudence, wisdom, passionate and creative thinking, these are all tools that I have been given. I have come to many realizations over the years as well as in the last month or so while reading these cards every morning.  

So I am on to building new worlds within myself internally and externally that are less obstructive and are filled with abundance. I believe in this. I have meditated on this. I feel so blessed and gifted and I am grateful to God, the Goddess, myself and the spirit for allowing me to learn many lessons along this road that I have traveled. I am grateful, God, and I am so lucky to live in this world where there are daily reminders of our impermanence and the lack of perfection.

Emily LeClair MetcalfComment