Bleak House

The day has been incredibly successful and on top of that it is gorgeous and the sun is shining. The truth is that one could see Steve and mine’s life situation as very bleak right now. But there is always something to be grateful for and I am so grateful right now. Frank Sinatra is playing on the record player and the sun is shining in the house in beauteous rays of lemon haze.

Steve is in a dire condition. He needs a very invasive surgery around his spinal cord and we have been referred to the University of Washington. Four vertebrae are compromised with bone spurs and arthritis. All of this is in the mobility center of his neck. The result is a wearing and pinching of the spinal cord that is so severe he is wearing a neck brace now to reduce mobility and future wear. His mobility is so compromised that walking has become dangerous and extremely difficult. With a single fall, which is a common threat, and a bump of the head, Steve could be paralyzed for life.

This is the bad news. The good news is that Steve has finely quit his job, and is relaxing. This was much needed and even warranted ten years ago, as he has been struggling for some time. The issue worsened enough that it looks like we will qualify for Disability, and without income he qualified for Apple Care which is an improvement from the Obama Care we were paying for previously.

Spirits are up because we are tough. We always have been. We have each other and that is enough. We also are receiving tremendous support from my family and the local Lopez Island Family Resource Center. Community and Family are essential to health.

The door has been opened to a new era. No drinking, major efforts to quit smoking, added time for recuperation; this has been made possible by assistance from family and the government. I have Faith in the Disability program as I have qualified and received disability since 2004. There are many good people in this country who just need a helping hand. I am not ashamed to be one of those people. Supplemented with the love from family and community members, life is not so bad. So here is to a successful and healthy future. Wish us luck.