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To Dreams

Today has been sublime. I woke up after dreams surreal. I journaled and walked the dogs then headed out for a massage that augmented all experiences. My journaling proved very rewarding as I was up in the middle of the night processing some vivid dreams that I believe had to do with past lives. I got to crawl back into the covers with my lover of 18 plus years and our bodies communicated with the cosmos. In my massage appointment I was utterly aware of my body and breath and entered an altered state of consciousness as well. I hope to continue this tendency to be aware of my dreams and living among them in the coming days.

It was rainy this morning and walking the dogs in the rain my sweatshirt became mildly soaked. Bruce chased a buck through the property and came back like a good dog should. Their freedom is my freedom. Later we took them to the beach. Now that Steve is not working the beach is a daily family outing and we visit the shore, take in deep breaths and appreciate each other’s company.

I ended the afternoon with a visit to my sister’s house. Ada, her one and a half year old was full of surprises and joy. We read books, danced and sang songs. We went to the potty, all three of us, Ada, me and baby doll. I drank tea and loved on my family with an open heart and loving disposition. Later I came home to a glass of wine and a nap in the chair, and some card games with my sweetie. Now I sit as the light is leaving us typing away at the key board my appreciation for all that is. My dreams are awakening to a new day. Many things have been lost to the wind over the years, but now I sit and gather myself. I have dreams still, and they whisper to me in soft ways in the days and nights of my life. Here is to dreaming, may every soul find theirs, may they be sweet and solid.