No Longer a Slave

“I am no longer a slave to fear, I am a Child of God” -Jonathan David & Melissa Helser

Fear is an intense ruler over many of our lives. When we slide from Faith and act in ways we are not proud of, fear tempts us and pushes us even further away from God. It is important to remember the basic truths that we are loved even though we are imperfect, and we can be forgiven. God never gives up on us.

I know people who are still slaves to fear, as am I at times in my life. It is important, however, to remember the above truths, and this quote is a chant that prepares me for future follies. What are we afraid of? Do you struggle with accepting lies about yourself? This is fear or the enemy attempting to pull you away from the truth. The truth is that there is design and purpose to all of this, and it is okay to have Faith, even in those moments that we are unsure that we made, or perhaps we even know that we made, the wrong decision. The truth is we are loved, blessed and good.

I believe in learning from our mistakes. These mistakes are redeemable and make us grow if we put our focus on God. One must still have a sense of moral value, and this can help guide us to make the right decisions. My mental disability has caused me to run in with what appears to be the wrong choices often. I have wasted money, been sexually adventurous, and had rage and anger that I have directed at inanimate objects as well as those that I love. I am faced with an even greater challenge to accept myself the way God made me. I learned long ago that I still must take responsibility for my actions even though I have Bipolar Disorder with Psychosis and am prone to do basically, stupid, things. I have had to forgive myself over and over, and I have had to learn many times over, and study the ways that I can prevent and save myself from these behaviors.

So you can imagine my astonishment when I found Christ. When I delve into His forgiveness I am taken to my core. I am ripped open and you wouldn’t believe the tears of release I have experienced. Can it really be true? I can now let go of Fear. The fear that I am forgotten, the grief that I have suffered because of my brain and emotions, and I can be touched with light and love that is eternal. There is healing for us all.