I Will Rise

Winter is coming, but first the autumn. Crispy leaves dress the ground, crunching softly under my feet. The air is still warm, but cooler and more comfortable than before. Currently this mid-September we are still experiencing some warmer days filled with sunshine and warm thoughts. The island that I live on is slowing down, and locals and friends seem more at ease to commune and visit, returning to a turf that we call our own. The light shines at an angle, bright and golden, stretching across the finishing blackberries, asters, and twinkling leaves holding on for one last glimmer. 

Two days from now I will be baptized, submerged in the familiar Puget Sound, and I will emerge with a new perspective and fresh eyes. I have cherished my experience knowing God these last couple of years, and have grown and grown in my faith over this time. I wish only to continue to awaken to the spirit that lives within me as a gift and that surrounds me in my life experience in this world. I see God in nature, in people and in experiences. I am touched by grace and witness miracles often. I am in communication with God more and more on a daily basis. I feel incredibly rooted and grounded in living with and experiencing God and I feel confident that I want to commit my life to this work and hope.

I have to send a sincere thank you out to my friends who have inspired, nurtured and guided this awareness. I never knew that such grace could be found independently, that I could replace the deep routed fear of being alone and unloved, with the mercy, grace, hope and love that comes along with this new commitment I have and the knowledge that Jesus loves, forgives, and cherishes me. This brings a much needed hope into my life. It has resulted in me rearranging and redefining all of my beliefs. What was written on my identity prior was oppressive and had come from a world that is full of cruelty, shame and blindness. I urge everyone to look inside of themselves and reevaluate the corps beliefs you have adopted. You may learn that some false truths live inside of you that darken your path and lead you away from hope and peace.

I know that there is much to be done and far to travel, and that I have not resolved all of my issues nor am I wise and all-knowing. I do surrender to the fact that there is one out there who does hold this wisdom and truth and that he loves me. I can have a personal relationship with him so as to know that I am loved, guided, and cared for. To know this and to know that I can learn from someone who is so special, beyond special, yet holds me in my sparking essence of beauty and love, and also knows me so intimately, is a true gift and blessing. Jesus has overcome, and the grave is overwhelmed, victory is won... and I will rise on eagle's wings, no more sorrow, no more pain, and I will rise.

Emily LeClair MetcalfComment