Subterranean Awareness


There is a lot to know in this world. I could spend lifetimes studying words, vocabulary, Greek roots, and the English language, let alone other languages. I could study the stars and their effects in astrology, or just spend lifetimes looking through telescopes and discovering the vast and many galaxies that exist. I will probably never know these words or stars, but fathoming the extent and multitudes of only these two subjects is fascinating. It encourages me to learn more, even though knowing half of what exists is unattainable. Somewhere in God’s catalog, this must be all written down, observed and known, making God seem ever more amazing and prodigious.

I love learning, yet I forget this at times. It is easy to waste our time reading little coined phrases on Facebook, and inundating ourselves with pursuits of things that are not full of knowledge. This is okay; at times it is therapeutic to be mindless and to ‘check-out’, it is possible that in times of sleep and blanking out to a TV, we process and organize what we have learned. The subconscious is fascinating and full of processes I may never understand.

There is the idea of a communal subconscious. Jung believed we travel on independent little waves that are personal and consist of our own thoughts, yet in sleep, hypnosis, or deep pondering we can dip down into a deeper communal wave of consciousness that we all share. I have wondered about this. I occasionally refer to something I call God Radio, where I feel people are listening or communicating with me when they are not present or actually hearing what I am saying. I have wondered at moments upon awakening from a special and intoxicating dream if I was dancing or playing with a soul that is here and conscious that I have never met and that may be on the opposite side of the planet. Still, we found a way to have and experience a connection. This connection may involve others, as we all are connected in this deep communal wave of consciousness.

Is it possible that this shared identity concept allows us to share knowledge of the secrets of this planet? Does it allow us to experience truths that are outside of our economic standing, societal community, race, gender, reality? I wonder if there is a science to the workings of God and the many things we cannot perceive or experience. There must be a simplified organizational format in order to keep us all connected and one. I believe in this. All of us, or many, which are full of heart and truth, are more connected than we will ever know.

When my dog, my first puppy, Rudy died at the age of eight, I was blessed with a dream that I believe was him passing through and saying goodbye. I was on a country road at dusk, the lines of fir trees towering beside me and cradling the border of our journey. We began to lift and take flight to the illuminated sky, and then I felt I was dying and entering a blinding and loving light. I felt this in my entire being and Rudy traveled on as I stayed behind. He showed me death is the one justly blissful experience we are granted and promised in this life, and I no longer have any fear of dying. Rudy gave me this knowledge and blessing upon leaving this world. I loved him like my own son, he protected me, traveled with me on my entire journey blessed and tortured, and held my tears; truly a gift.