
Entering another day, I awaken from a dream that seemed enlightening. There was this little shelled monster that was fairly innocent, but deadly; other than the fact that it would try to bite me, though small and not that intimidating, it had some extraordinary powers. It would hang from the ceiling and emit a liquid substance on one while they were sleeping. First it was a blue and innocent liquid, languid as water, then it would change to a whitish fluid that would paralyze the subject and put them under hypnosis, a deep sleep that they were unaware they were having. Then outside it would weave tremendous webs full of such sticky embodiment, that there was no real way to free one once you had entered the web being glued to the viscous and numbing woven material. There was an element that the monster was a trickster. He was living among us and we could not see or recognize it, yet many of us were under its spell. I battled with this little creature for some time, caught in a web, it chasing me in the yard and biting me, peeing on me, and witnessed many of my friends under its spell.

I awoke and drove Steve to work and mentioned my dream. But as I was sitting in the car waiting for him, this small realization hit me. It had felt like I was witnessing something very real, and I think it was. I think I witnessed in my dream a small demon on a metaphysical level that lives among us. It is not so scary and a little baffling once you recognize its form and know what is happening, yet its damage and effect can be catastrophic if it goes on unnoticed as people continue fall under its spell and forget to question such things. There are many indigenous and ancient cultures that believe in demons like this. I am tempted to call it a gilla or shilla monster, I am unsure why, but that is the name I will give it.

Could things like this really exist? I do feel I have broken free of something in the last six months. There is something about this place. It seems to be so full of inspired people bustling with projects, art and farming, yet I know many who feel trapped as if they are under some sort of a spell. I don’t know why demons like this exist, but I do know that when you know them, see them, they are almost like children. They can wreak such havoc but you need only call one by name to vanquish it; to recognize what is happening, take its power away, and tell it to stop. Awareness is truly a key.

I believe there are bigger demons out there. Ones that create war, make humans hoard money, cause cultural black holes and consume and feed off people’s souls. There are even demons that cause mental illness, drug abuse and murder. I have known on some level that I have been fighting off some sort of demon inside of myself, and yet I am not sure that I believe that it is in me. It is perhaps on a metaphysical level. But demons are interesting spirits. Watch some Japanese anime, they have an interesting interpretation. Similar to tentacles, a demon can stretch out from its source, a powerful one growing bigger, and can affect us even through our television and computer screens. They perpetuate things such as greed, sloth, violence, ignorance, jealousy, evil and hatred. Before science existed the Christian culture operated almost wholly on the evil and demon philosophy. I think science is wonderful, but how could they have operated on this program for so long without some result or success. I wonder.

So I feel I have looked this little shilla monster in the face. It did not conquer me in the dream, but set me free because I was not afraid. I imagine demons do mostly feed on fear. They want you to be afraid; they lose their power without your fear. You may not be aware of being afraid in your Americanized daily life, however what we are truly afraid of lives on this metaphysical level as well; being alone, growing old, dying, feeling lost, forgotten, unworthy, or just bad at the core, unloved. I cast the demons away with these few words, and with the awareness of their desire to consume our world. Baran – Aver – Aba – Aru – Kadush – Tadush – Arute – Arude – Arute. Ain Sof Ain. Amen.