Nothing is as Good as Warm Water

Nothing is as good as warm water, for a nice soak in the tub, or a cup of soothing tea. Water is my favorite element. The splashing of the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules create negative ions that uplift the spirits and calm the nerves.

I am soothing myself today. Sometimes it is important to just slow down, breathe in the steam, and relax those shoulder and leg muscles in a calm horizontal position, listening to whatever tunes also truly calm your nerves. Being still is medicine.

Stillness is actually an inherently natural state. It takes effort to worry and simmer. But if we stop trying, stop making the effort to plan, control, and shape and execute our lives to perfection, the stillness just comes. It is simply there already, waiting for us to occupy its “negative” space. In fact it is neither negative nor positive. It exists.

So in this stillness what do I see, where do I go? Perhaps I just melt into the immediate cosmos of birds singing, sun shining, wind blowing, or wheels cracking the icy puddles in the driveway. And I meet myself- the self that I don’t have the time or awareness to notice when I am occupied throughout the day. I can see myself and perhaps think to myself, as a cloud floating by in the endless sky, ‘hello’. I know you, or perhaps I don’t, but I see you and am with you, I like you, accept you, love you. I can soak into my being like a bath of warm water, or chamomile tea sliding down my esophagus and warming my entire body. And as I soak into myself, I let light in. There is so much space… I can let light in for some time, until I am filled with it and can carry it with me in my inner ions tomorrow.

I admit, slowing down is not easy for me, perhaps that is why I developed a “stress disorder”; unable to metabolize any more stress from just pushing and pushing myself. Why did, do I feel the need to excel in this way? What is the force inside me that tells me running is never enough? Perhaps my consciousness within my unconscious living simply is quite dumb, and is telling me the opposite of what I need to hear because that is all it knows. Or perhaps it is society’s message that more is never enough.

Like all true life lessons, which I will say are not always easy, the meaning of it is deep and takes attention and consciousness to master. God, or whatever word you use, would like us to not worry. Having money makes you worry about protecting it, making more, etc., and I do not need money to be happy or fulfilled.

I will settle in this puddle of warmth I have created for myself, and contemplate understanding happiness.  It is not as simple as checking off my ‘to do’ list. I propose that the more empty space and stillness I can fill my soul with, the more I will truly understand about this path, and the comforts and joy that were granted to me upon being born to this natural world.