Homemade Soup

This life is made of poetry, song, incense, apple pie, and sour milk. There are moments in the passing of time that have a scene and a tune that can’t really be documented. It is in these moments that we realize we are okay. It is interesting that the feeling of melancholy can be pleasant and I can be thankful for even that. There are moments when everything equalizes and blends into a feeling that just is. The good and the bad, the joy and the rage merge and swim together like flavors in a homemade soup, and the aroma just wanders and wafts about the room. Good music sounds like this; great art evokes these blended realities. It is no secret that there is struggle in life but when we have a moment to sit and absorb, reflect, a tune can envelope these dark emotions and color them with a sort of glitter.

I can appreciate all that is flawed in my being if I balance these faults with all that I do try to achieve, succeed at and endure. When we suppress accepting our flaws, inside can burn a fire that is not so healthy. We become subversive, we become cruel. Cruelty can exist so easily, it is prevalent in our society. But why tell ourselves that life should be a certain way; that we should fight and scrape for something illusionary? We don’t really know what God has in store for us, and I believe if we can do one thing correct in life, it is to limit or ease the suffering of our fellow man. Does the person in front of you in the grocery line that you don’t know need five bucks to pay their total? Does your friend need $300 to pay their phone bill? Why can’t we help? Why must we cling to only better our own position? Whose values are you supporting? Are they even your own? I have been one to think outside of the box most of my life, and I still have to bend and stretch to be a good person. Why is it that it seems to not come naturally in society? We are run and ruled by corporations that oppress the people. We are trained that we must step on and scrounge to make it anywhere. Sometimes these simple lessons that we all take for granted are the hardest to remember and live by, but I urge you to think about Jesus’ message this holiday season. You may have maxed out your credit card buying gifts for your family, you may have had little to spare to start with, but what can we do here at the bottom which is so far from the actual bottom to give this holiday season? What charity can we provide, even if it is listening to and caring about that individual that lingers that everyone ignores. Why do we all celebrate Christmas, but just consume and perpetuate the cruelty that exists so heavily in our culture? We just need to care to think outside of the box.

So let your life blend, relax in you anger that sits deep in your heart. Feel the pain and realize we are all on this path together. When you lift up your neighbor of the same species you change your own life. This Christmas let’s see each other, the lost and the successful alike. We all struggle in our story, despite where we exist on the corporate totem pole. Let’s help each other realize we are all the same; the only things we all have been promised is birth, death and pain, but we can blend to blend, then perhaps we can dissolve it and ascend together. We are a collective, and no one exists apart from another. There is no top and there is no bottom. Let’s help each other, make some homemade soup, and share it. Life is good.