The Way

There are six Archangels

Of course there are millions more

Angels and Nephilim

Many many that can fight

Against the forces of evil

Each Archangel though

Must have a partner

A balance

Michael and Shemiel

Ezekiel and Gabriel

Lucifael and Emmanuelle

There are also paths

Michael to Ezekiel

Chesed to Geburah

Is Strength

Ezekiel to Gabriel

Geburah to Tiphareth

Is Justice

Gabriel to Emmanuelle

Tiphareth to Netzach

Is Death

Netzach to Hod

Emmanuelle to Lucifael

Is Temperance

Lucifael to Shemiel

Hod to Yesod

Is the Sun

There are many more paths

On the sacred Tree of Life

Of the Tarot

Four, Michael, Chesed,

Neptune, Piet, The Emperor,


Five, Ezekiel, Geburah,

Jupiter, Fracis, The Hierophant,


Six, Gabriel, Tiphareth,

Venus, Qurto, The Lovers


Seven, Emmanuelle, Netzach,

Saturn, Da, The Chariot,


Eight, Lucifael, Hod,

Pluto, Har, Adjustment,


Nine, Samiel, Yesod,

Uranus, Sataan, The Hermit,


One, Two, Three

Kether, Chokmah, Binah

Mars, Sun, Moon,

Father, Christ, Holy Ghost

Crown, Wisdom, Understanding

Malkuth, Ten, Mercury,

Manas, Mun, Man, Self,


A sacred tree

Six weapons of God

Shadowing the world, the earth

In protection and love

Hidden in the design of nature

It is time

It is time to awaken

It is time to realize

All of the gifts of life

Of the Tree

Bahrain, Aver, Aba, Aru,

Kadush, Tadush,

Arude, Aru Te, Arude

Ain Sof Ain

Emily LeClair Metcalf