The Rock

An Island paradise,

The pebbles and rocks

One the shore

Are jewels,

Every rock is sacred

Whether it is a large boulder

In the woods

Where I sit and meditate

Literally crested in crystal

Rose and white,

Or the gravel

Harvested to cover the roads

And driveways,

The beaches

Are covered in beautiful stones,

They speak to me

The smallest of pebbles

Carry story of millennia

It is the garden of eden,

It could be

Hidden in a sea

On the edge of the world,

What if we were wrong?

Though Mesopotamia

Is probably the birth

Of civilization…

There is something old

About this place,

The stones tell a story

And when I am lucid,

I listen to all they have to say,

Even when I am sober

And not psychotic,

I know the stones are sacred,

All the stones;

Sand and Mountains

On Earth are sacred

We are here on this planet

As guests,

There are creatures and rocks

That have been here

Long before us humans,

We must respect our Earth,

We must see her nature as sacred,

There is much to learn

On the shore, on the mountains

In river beds and creeks,

The Earth and all her species

Can hold our tears, our grief,

We can tell nature

Of our suffering,

There is healing to be had

And this rock, this planet

Can help us, can teach us,

She can heal and hold

Our broken pieces

Our wounds

Emily LeClair Metcalf