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Water, Air, Fire, Matter

I have found that there are four types of gifts that the human capacitates, just as there are four forces of nature on Earth and in the Tarot.

One of the gifts, special powers, that us psychics portain is Clairaudience/water. My partner, Steve, has this skill, as well as one of my closest friends. In the harsh psychoanalytic world in which we live in, you might label them with multi-personality disorder, however, they and I, are blessed to live in a community, and a world, where we are allowed to accept our gifts without the persecution that the cage of American society can and does lead to. Clairaudience, is when you can literally hear beyond what is audible. Water, being both the most destructive force, as well as the most healing force in this known world, is what these people know. It is what they communicate with. Again, calling our skills a gift, rather than an illness, and better understanding the force of nature with which we are communing, will hopefully help us find inner-balance, equilibrium, achieve basic-health, as well as lead us toward the path of love and of finding god.

Another gift is Clairvoyance/air. This is wind, air, gas. This gift resembles the ability to borrow thought from other human beings, recapitulating the concept that we are one organism. We read eachother’s thoughts, we “hear” voices. This is not the same thing as audio-hallucination. It is possible to be present with reality, and to simultaneously hear other’s thoughts, prayers, and ideas. As a communal organism, we operate intelligently, like trees in the forest, ethos being the wind which teaches us and guides usl, whilst weaving our separate bodies into one large, fierce, and loving organism. We are not the only species that does this. Amphibians, insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, both large and small. Then, we join and weave into larger ecosystems, and eventually a planet as a whole.

We have all heard of something called the “Food Chain”. I believe, that there is no such thing as a food chain or a social pyramid. Mostly, because one organism exsanguinates, and thus bleeds into another, whether you are speaking of gut flora, mushrooms, tiny worms, or entire micro/macro-climates. I do not believe in the term "Native Species”, either. We are all native. None of us are alien to eachother, because we communicate and operate as one. If we forget that we are connected, we can lose touch with our gifts, aka psychic abilities; lose eachother, and become isolated and alone. Also, if our abilities, or gifts, become out of balance, we can lose touch with ourselves. This is when we will identify with the term Alien or Non-Native.

Clairsentience/fire, which I attribute to fire, microwaves, and radiation, is another human gift that we have. Clairsentience, is when you touch something, energize with the living energy of a physical place or object, have sensation in your body, and concurrently know something. I believe, I can channel and communicate with electrical current. My strengths lie with this ability. Alternatley, I have learned that I need to quiet my Clairvoyance, because if I get lost in my Clairvoyance, I lose my ability to manage my Clairsentience safely and healthily, while staying grounded in reality. I also rely on psychiatric medication to keep me balanced, safe, and grounded in this world.

Clairbondage/matter, I attribute to matter, earth, atoms/bondage. I do understand matter to some degree. I can communicate with rocks, and I believe that they are living organisms. But is that technically matter, then? Perhaps so, however, I rather believe that I am speaking of actual inanimate, physical objects. Desks, chairs, tables, cups, pens, keys, rings. I believe humans that have this gift, can actually put their energy into an object, hence putting their life force into what we think of as inanimate things. Perhaps these folks have a special ability to speak and communicate with the spirit world, as ghosts and spirits live in our objects. That is why we give the objects that we worship faces, so that we can bring homage and respect to our ancestors, to those who have come before us, and to not lose the truth that we know in the deepest recesses of our minds and spirits. Clairsentience/fire people, can find grounding in Clairbondage/matter people.

I believe that I am mostly Clairsentient (fire), and so I rely heavily on the healing, chilling, and warming properties of water for my therapy and journey of seeking balance. My husband, Steve, is Clairaudient (water), and needs Clairbondage (matter), to find something to flow through and to make contact with, in order to achieve balanced Clairvoyance (air). He is afraid of water, does not like to get wet, or chilled, and is unable to swim because he sinks. As a Clairaudient (water), he needs Clairbondage (matter), in order to heal his excessive (out of balance) Clairsentient (fire) abilities.

And that is all for now. Please assign me poetic license, I am a creative non-fiction writer, documenting my healing process, while living with Schizoaffective Disorder -Bipolar Type. The journey and purpose of my blog, is to solve the mystery of mental illness and to help others like me.

More than anything, we must find what works for us. Ground yourself. All four of these major Psychic abilities involve current. Don’t let your wires get crossed. 😉