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Finding Love

What Is Love? In a deep discussion lately, with a very good friend, I spouted off some deep stuff. Let’s see if I can recreate it. Basically, all of us live our lives in such denial, delusion, and we are imprisoned and ruled by our egos. We build careers, we have families based on these basic human faults, that we are completely ignorant of. Because we are interpreting these faults as virtues. These impulses rule the human race. We may have glimmers of our deep inner workings and secretly we all wonder where our dreams went to, when they left us, or why they are so hard and impractical to really follow. The truth is that love, dreams, and true consciousness, are not easy. We choose the easy path, the practical path, what we think is the smart and sensible path. But this path does not help us deconstruct our egos that are more powerful than we know. So true love, our soulmate, should rip and tear at these constructs with amazing force. Some epic love stories could look like falling in love with your pastor at church, your boss, or someone who is entirely unavailable. But they were put in our path to challenge us to think outside of the box. Because at our core we are broken. Our hearts may be black, our souls crushed. This is real life. As a collective society, we are emotionally devastated, and this is why we should see our collective realm as a dystopia. Because if we don’t, we continue to run the risk of falling into addiction, living the lives of secret alcoholics or having dysfunctional affairs that still seem to miss the point.

We have to become brave. We need the courage to quit our jobs, to travel to the Sahara, to write that book we have always dreamed about. Maybe you are working for Microsoft, but truly wish to be an artist. And children and spouses can complicate this life even more. We stay with our wives and husbands out of duty and loyalty for the sake of our children’s lives and dreams, and stability or our financial situations. But is lying to our children and ourselves breeding good our evil? We lie and we lie and we lie; to ourselves, our friends, our community and to our children. Our society and our world are built on lies, and we stuff our face with donut holes or Pabst Blue Ribbon because we are so used to choking down our realities. We have eating disorders and alcoholism that is completely acceptable in our dysfunctional society, that is totally and completely built on lies and the ego.

Somehow, someway, we need to begin to change. The truth is, that living our lives in search of the truth, our dreams, within ourselves and out in the completely magical world that we refuse to see with our bloody and blinded eyes, is that every tiny little choice we make in this direction will have a positive catastrophic result. You can break the walls of your prison, and smash the walls of your glass house, but first, you must begin to think outside of the box. You must also be willing to see death and darkness everywhere because this is what the ego actually creates. Take the red pill, view the devastation that your choices, that may seem good, practical and righteous, are causing. Feel your broken heart and the trauma you have endured. Don’t shut it out. Eventually, the light will penetrate the crack you create by truly seeing and feeling. And then you may, you will find love.