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Get the T.I.R.F.

So, have you ever heard of a T.E.R.F? (A Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist)? Well I have. And I think it is the most bullshit thing I have ever seen in my life. Why on Earth would a woman exclude a man or woman who was trans. Fuck that noise. Trans people are da bomb.

I am Transexual. I knew this in 2007, and it has taken me more than a decade to come to full awareness of my lifetime Identity. I do believe that Transexuals are unfortunately locked into a past life that is opposite of their current birthright sex. I was born a woman, but when I visited Japan when I was seven years old, I was called a boy. I knew I was a Tomboy when I was eight, and when I was eleven I read the book Tomboy and had my first sexual awakening. When I was seventeen and an angry Ani Difranco enthusiast, my mother accused me of being my abusive rapist grandpa. Yes, that one kind of hurt. In 2007 I spent three months psychotic and came out searching for Trans support groups in Seattle and believing I had testicles low in my abdomen. I also thought they were spider egg-sacks, but that is another story. I now am 39, and my best friends are Trans and Metagender, and I feel at home with these two beautiful people.

My husband is Kleinfelders, a letter that does not exist in LGTBQIAA2SN… and perhaps they need to add a K. There is also XXX for the feminine, who are not as lucky and usually always come out disabled. Steve (XXY) was supposed to be sterile and we had a miracle baby when I was 20 that was aborted due to my Schizoaffective disorder. 

So here are my labels… Female, Anorexic-Bulemic, Alcoholic, Schizoaffective - Bipolar Type, and Transexual. I believed I was Bisexual for many years, but I never participated in the Queer community because of the fact that this did not fit, I believe. I also came out as a Lesbian in College (1998) when I was dating women.

So here we are. It is 2018, and I think I am done labeling myself. Thank God for that. We need to transcend the labels, but in order to do that we must first identify them.

Trans Inclusive Radical Feminist (Much better, ladies).
