A Short Monologue

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There was a sad death in our community recently, this time not centered on mental illness. It is so hard when amidst our families and loved ones that we lose somebody. In these times it is important that we have Faith, especially our younger ones. How do you teach Faith to a youth? It is by example. We have Faith. We live our lives according to the messages that are true and holy, that are kind and loving, and that remain until the end of time.

I have reveled in the Bible. There are many stories within the Bible of Jesus’ life that allow for these kinds of lessons. I feel that these messages in pure form, reading the scriptures and studying the word, are for adults. In this world today we must exercise our creativity to get through to our Youth. Sometimes putting your nose to a book is not what it is all about.

And yet in my adult life I love to and long to study. I have finally learned my lesson after being thrust violently into psychotic breaks while attending college, that I can practice study and learning in my own time from my home. Now I have discovered my true calling in life and I would like to be, and already am, a writer. I am going to pursue this as three dimensionally as possible; through reading, blogging, writing short stories and autobiographical pieces.

My time focusing on youth has come to an end, or a sort of transformation. I am entering menopause and while paying close attention to my body and mental transformation during this time, I feel now that I am putting a close to my mothering stage. This applies to focusing on youth, which I have always done though never became an actual mother, as well as on adults whom I have nurtured through their chaos. I am retiring in more ways than one, and also discovering my true voice and who I want to be. For the first time in my life I feel I am becoming what I was always meant to be.

Faith is crucial. It has been the building block of a true identity as well as a mother and father and angel to me over the years. I have learned to strengthen my faith and breathe into my awareness of Christ. I wish for young people everywhere to experience Faith in their lives, and some need it sooner than others, unfortunately. I do know that hardship and struggle are basic building blocks for having solid and strong Faith, as we learn the true importance of life.