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Unforeseen Events and a Prayer

I want to say a prayer for my family. I see opportunity as well as the gift that God is planning to bless us with. I want to encourage this path and do all I can to manifest this blessed journey and all it has to offer. I know there is no way to plan our lives truly, and that if we actually listen we do not always receive what we expect. I will give a quick synopsis first, of strange messages that I have been receiving from the cosmos. I will say that there have been many serendipitous events and lessons that are more verbose happening in my life, but these coincidences symbolize the congruity and strangeness as well as the omnipotent faculties that seem to have been present in my life lately, then I will state my wishes and my prayer.

Occurrences, that is, I believe messages, can come in threes. Recently I have been on a mission to buy a watch. Each watch I buy is special to me and I am happy with it, yet all three watches have broken in some way, a different way. The owner of the shop where I purchased the first watch, which I returned once, bought again after my second watch broke, then returned a second time, made an interesting comment that is sticking with me. He stated that some people break or miss-set watches, and that these people just exist. Now I have never had this happen to me before, but it got me thinking. Why are these watches breaking and it has happened three times? There could be an analogy about time, time is up, I need to let go of time and events, and I do not know for sure, but it seems important and possibly bigger than me.

The second sequence of events that has been occurring, though is not yet complete, for there have only been two events, concern discovering little treasures on the ground. There is an Ani Difranco song where a line has always stuck out for me since the first time I delved into it about 13 years ago. The quote is “What kind of Paradise am I looking for? I've got everything I want and still I want more. Maybe a tiny shiny key will wash up on the shore....” I suppose I am on an Island; the first treasure I found was a beautiful copper key on the side of the road out in front of my now mother’s property, before the gate of the home I initially came to on this Island and lived for the first three years I was here. I was with a good friend and having a potent discussion. The second treasure was discovered in the parking lot of the Quality Inn in Bellingham, WA while visiting and attending Ani Difranco at the Mount Baker Theater, who I had not seen for years and years. I was having a moment with a sweet, petite, middle aged Down syndrome man who was cleaning the garbage can outside our entrance to the motel, and there I found on the ground a very small silver ring, a plain band. It fits on the first joint of my pinky finger and is probably a toe ring, strange. But it is silver and it seemed to have meaning if only in its simple beauty and placement in time. I do not know the meaning of these two events fully, but half expect a third, and am open to discovering any thoughts or importance that come to me.

What I want to pray for that may seem disconnected, but is not, is for a little girl for my sister; for her to have a home with rooms for her child and her husband’s child, and a blessed and happy marriage. I want to pray for Steve and I, a house and a life in Anacortes that is grounded safe and treasured. I want to be strong and on a healing and healer’s path, stay close to god, do a martial art, read and explore, visit Lopez, stay in therapy with Ann, work with Steve at the Market year round, nurture a lovely garden and green sanctuary in my back yard, and love Steve wholly and thoroughly. I would like a home and a happy marriage as well.

I want to ask this from God, yet I know that there is a place in this for my parents, so I want to include them in the prayer. I wish for my Mother and Father to live together and separate, but find each other and nurture each other on the closing of their paths. I want to be connected wholly as a family and for us all to grow together. I wish for my sister and me to be involved in their lives and care for them and their homes as they age. I wish for them to see that a child in this family would be such an amazing journey and a blessing, and to support Elizabeth in any way they can and love their grandchild. I wish for them to bless me on my journey to Anacortes, out into the world, and yet to stay connected to this place; I wish for them to be open to including their children in their dreams, for we will all truly need each other. Let us honor this.
