Time on Earth
The universe is 27 trillion light years
It is nine o’clock
I was staring at the clock,
This seemed possible
On earth, which means rock,
In an ancient alien language,
What has survived is simple,
All of the money…
Does it add up to 27 trillion yet?
Are we counting? Cataloguing our past?
Are we in a dream?
We are intoxicated
By this jewel in the galaxy,
Also, this earth is hidden in the universe,
Discovered four different times
Throughout these billions of years.
Spaceships, Aliens, us.
Their souls reborn, trapped on the earth,
They settled and merged
With biology of this intoxicating planet;
Body, Spirit and Soul
They bred millions of new souls
We are now eight billion.
This may have happened before,
Dinosaurs could have existed several times,
“Jesus", She, The Earth,
The Scripture we remember
Is from other planets,
From other galaxies, from our origin.
This planet may have survived many huge
Covered by deserts,
Mountains that came and then left,
Ice ages plentiful,
Are we headed to another?
Perhaps our global warming
Will cause a catastrophic reaction
From this being, this planet,
On which we live…
She will awaken,
But we will be reborn,
As we always are.
Hidden beasts:
Worms like in Dune, The Kraken, Giants,
The Loch Ness Monster, Nephilim
Leviathan, Demons, Angels,
All real
All of it is real;
Dwarves, dragons, hobbits,
Wizards and Orcs alike,
Global war, histories that seem endless,
These fantasies come from deep, deep
Inside our universal memory,
Memory of Trillions of years,
Our souls laid to rest,
They then awaken, and are reborn.
Lives are repeated but new,
We have lived as creatures
Aside all of these monsters
That evolved here as we did.
Can our souls leave to other galaxies?
Perhaps we are trapped here,
On this jewel of the Universe.
What has been repeated?
Perhaps it all has integrated
Into a planetary intelligence,
So exact repetition is impossible.
In our memories,
Of living, striving, surviving, thriving,
Fighting, bleeding, suffering,
Everything we have ever seen or lived,
Everything that has ever been written:
The Bible, Sanskrit, The Analects, The Torah,
The Five Pillars, The Four Noble Truths,
Tarot, Hindu Chanting, The Tao…
It comes from within, within ancient memory,
Mermaids and Vampires, Fairy Tales,
Science Fiction, Real Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Is real
It all could be,
It is, It was
If time were extended,
27 Trillion
A magic number, a magic truth.