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Rainy Restoration

Downpour, thunder, and lightening came today. It was a short spell, is still raining slightly, and so welcomed to our dry landscape. The roads are covered in a froth as they have not been wet for over a month. Pedestrians were caught in the squall in their sun hats. The bed that I had not watered got a substantial drink.

I rested this morning. It is overcast and calm on this island getaway where I live. It is Wednesday, and though our island is still bustling with traffic, visitors and part-timers, it is not the weekend and thus a bit slower. In the service industry we call summer here, the 100 days of August, and at day 70, many are exhausted and worn with the wear and tear the visitor has on our community. Many do thrive on the commerce, and it is important to remain grateful for all we have in this small magical place.

This community has blessed our lives, these last fifteen years, and for me back in time to 1989 when my family bought a farm here. It feels possible to heal from severe mental illness. It is true that many drink for entertainment in rural environments, as well as urban, and so, my partner and I partook for the better part of a decade. We both served the public, living the tourism, and a drink at the end of the day calmed the nerves, especially in the summer. But now, we rest, catering our disabilities the best we can, and have found sobriety at our doorstep. Now, the true healing magic of the San Juan Islands can soothe our tired beings.

I am so eternally grateful for the rain and all I have. I have a loving partner of almost 25 years. I have a niece and nephew, sister, and parents that I adore. I have a swell roof over my head. It is humble, but very nice. And I have the landscape of this Island, as well as the community. So much feels possible out here at the edge of the world. People are openminded and accepting. We strive and fight for what is good, both christian and liberal hippie. The yoga classes, healing community circles, women’s bible study and women’s circle, all have shown me so much about connection and healing. Now I have AA, and I live this reality to its utmost. My local AA strengthens sober bonds all around me in this community, and my online Trans and LGBTQIA2SN+ meetings feed my soul and support me amazingly. I attend AA every day, and Zoom makes this possible. I love my program and I am grateful for my local connections as well as those spanning the country and globe.

I used to paint for therapeutic processing, and now I mostly write. I look back on the vibrant colors in my artwork and I can see the pain seeping out. Writing came later, and I feel so much more mature. I can write about my mental illness and recovery, and share it with a small tribe of people who follow me. The practice is about process as well as raising awareness. In all the gratitude I have for my home, family, partner, community, and the landscape around me both flora and fauna, I am humbled to a place of healing. This calm rainy day is just a reminder that restoration is real, necessary, and can take time. I now am privileged enough to take the time that I need to find true healing of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Bless you today on your healing journey wherever you are. I pray you find a moment of solace that you then can hold onto and grow and multiply within that moment. Life is many moments connected together, as we humans are with love, ethos, prayer, and dreaming. As we all reach for solace and serenity, let’s remember to reach out to those that still struggle. For it is in the spirt of giving, and generosity of spirit, that we are able to feel what we are giving away. We remain connected, we are a community. I pray you find this connection on your journey of wellness and recovery today, wherever you are.