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Quantifying the Quality

Bear with me for the first couple paragraphs of this post, as I attempt to state all that I have been a part of for these last twelve years that I have lived on Lopez Island. I will say, regardless of what I have accomplished and participated in, today my fundamental accomplishments in life are my 22 year relationship, my loving family and our ability to know eachother in peaceable relations, living with a mental illness, and the fact that I live close to my niece and am able to be a part of her life. That being said, I decided that it would be a definitive and encouraging exercise to write down all of the things I have been a part of, achieved at, or survived while living here in this small community for the last decade, so here it goes.

I started volunteering at the Children’s Center and was soon hired as a teacher. I was hired as the Preschool assistant as well as substituted for the Lead teachers in the Play and Learn program. Attended online community college for Early Childhood credits. Attended several Early Childhood state conferences, and well as two NAMI state conferences. I wrote and recorded eight children’s songs, and led “Music with Emily” for the Parent Tot program through the resource center on and off for seven years. I painted and sold paintings at the Farmer’s Market. I have had several art showings at local restaurants, participated in painting a public wall mural that was eight feet by sixteen feet which appeared in the paper, taught painting to adults and children, and had a small art studio store front in town for a short period. I have played music at church, with friends, and at the local Galley Lounge; and did sound, set up, and the power point at church for several years. I have participated in five worship communities at different times on the island. I have been a part of a women’s circle, bible study, had my own writing group, and joined a book group. I have worked at the Chamber of Commerce for almost four years. I was the Secretary on the board of the Farmer’s Market for a couple of years, and Steve and I had our own taco stand that was very successful there for five years. I have worked as a substitute and a volunteer at our local Library. I have studied the Tarot extensively, and participated in tarot groups and classes. I have worked at a couple of weddings, been baptized, and hosted many poker nights, fires, and parties/gatherings at my own home. I have published a blog for six years, published a book, written articles for the local paper, met with a peer and the director of the Lopez Island Family Resource Center, all to raise awareness for mental health in San Jaun County. I have written poetry. I have attended many yoga classes and been a member of the local gym. I have walked hundreds of miles of country road and trail, and sat in many beautiful natural settings. I have picked up garbage on the roadside. I have provided housing for a recovering addict and a Vietnam veteran. I have befriended many who needed support for mental illness. I have attended and chaired meetings in a twelve step program. I have survived and recovered from one psychotic break and two major episodes. I have lived in four different houses. I have traveled to Hawaii three times, Idaho, and to our state capitol to lobby. And there it is.

This exercise was to show myself, that despite my identity as a disabled mental health consumer, my life has been very worthy and productive. It is refreshing to “add up” all of these experiences, of which I am sure there is something missing, and see that I do, and have always created a life around myself; one where I serve and think of others, and where I am not afraid to put myself out there honestly and earnestly to the world. I try not to revel too much on the length of the list above, because I know that quality, not quantity, is what we should be aiming for. I struggle with this, as I never feel like I am doing enough; thus the purpose of these words above. I desire to show myself that I am always seeking to be better and to participate fully in this life that I have been blessed with, despite living with disability. So gratitude upon this special day where I get to live and be part of something. Life is good, and I am in it. I am here, and I am proud to be all that I am.