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It Is Never Too Late to Be a VOTEr

Day Six…

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” - Bob and Bill (The Blue Book; Alcoholics Anonymous)

“God grant me Will change the things I can (The Lion), the Heart to forgive what I cannot change (The Tin Man), and the Knowledge to Identify the difference (The Scarecrow and Dorothy).” -Emily (sort of)

Ruby, Glass, whatever…

So, Imagine you are traveling back to reality from Oz. First, we say goodbye to the Lion, and find our will, then we blow a kiss to the Tin Man, and we feel our heart healing and turning from a tiny small black seed into a fresh new reborn pulsing well of love, and we feel as new like we were when we were a happy child…. And even if we have never known happiness before, we have found it now. We approach meeting up with Glenda the Good Witch, which is our portal home, and we decide to bring the Scarecrow home with us. No, we are not willing to leave our mind behind, and now we have the knowledge that we need to navigate ourselves through reality. Glenda waves her wand, we leave our Glass Slippers behind, and we find ourselves in our very own home, with Medicare For All, Bernie Sanders is President, Ana and Cenk are in the Cabinet. Our Parents are alive…

Wait, that is not reality, but it could be, besides our dead parents. Please support your local Progressive Caucus. People, now is the time to register to vote. Maybe you never have, because you are a Felon, and thought you didn’t have that privilege. Maybe you just haven’t gotten along with society until now. But it is not, nor is it ever too late. Even if you are 45, and you have never turned in a Ballot; or seventy or ninety.

Hope is a thing with Feathers that perches in the Soul… Thanks “Trailer Bride” for giving me an anthem. Now, every time I see a feather on the ground, I am reminded that I have hope and resilience.

Find your tool kit. And please, be sure that you vote for someone who also has a toolkit full of skills.

Your’s Truly. 
