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Codependency is a very common thing. It is so common that we are all drowning in a web of lies we call culture. We call it Christianity, we call it work, we call it family, we call it love. There was once an old gypsy tale of a way to keep this from happening. We sat around a fire and listened to violins. We heard the elders tell tales of their elders and the horrors that befell the land. The light would twinkle in the eyes of the children and it would reflect in their grandfather’s, grandmothers, Aunts and Uncle’s faces. The nights were cold, the nights were warm, and the fires burned on. They spoke of Vampires. The sucking of energy from one human to another and how it could take whole villages down. They shared the dangers of the webs these inner daemons create and the numbing psychosis that is to follow. They made it fun. They acted out mystical creatures with fangs that drank the sacred blood that was never supposed to be drunk. The stars would shine, the moon would set, the asteroids would streak across the night sky.

Today we are obsessed with Vampires because this disease of codependency is so rampant. We also have the opposite side of the pendulum which is people that have zero contact with other humans and are utterly alone. How do we cure such an illness within ourselves? We can go to support groups, we can go to psychotherapy, we can do yoga. We can also tell stories with our fellow humans around a fire and create worlds for ourselves through teaching our children of the dangers that exist and have existed for thousands of years on our planet. Let your inner fire burn. Love the story that is within.