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The Ten Percent Rule

Why is it that there is a mathematical rule that seems to rule the universe? It seems that there is, and I love this, I believe in this. There may be very complex mathematical rules like the theory of relativity and gravity or velocity. The stars and the planets seem to be full of math and they literally are our universe. So if this is true, in tarot, in the tree of life, as numerology blesses and can bless even the most benign moments in life, I believe there is, yes, a simple rule that applies to all life. Simple as in third grade level, which really can be the most difficult to master. I call it the 10% rule. And it goes as such.

Ten percent of all pizza is good, ten percent of all pizza us bad, and then there is this beautiful vast grey area that consists of eighty percent of pizza. My local Deli falls in this eighty percent area, and I am grateful for this because I live far from the real world and of vast choices of food. Maybe there are exceptions to this rule, as there are exceptions to every rule. New York, on certain blocks may actually have pizza that exists mostly in the top ten percent. Or maybe New York balances the rest of the country that is lacking heavily in good pizza except for the occasional authentic greek or Italian place and in the bigger cities where competition keeps things quality. And there is always matter of opinion, which could complicate things even more, allowing more opportunity to stray and explore within this very simple mathematical equation. But there is good and bad pizza. Ten percent is wonderful. Ten percent is awful. And for lack of time, eighty percent is tolerable or average.

There are also good and bad people, there is good and bad coffee, there is good and bad music. And because of this, most of the time we live in the average realm. Most have learned that expecting the top ten percent of people, experiences, food and flavors ninety percent of the time is not mathematically possible. Something really could go tragically wrong, as balance is an ultimate rule proven to the degree that we apply this in spiritual realms of existence. But you can always rest assured, and it is very sobering and reassuring, that you have a ninety percent chance that things will end up okay. Maybe we want to shoot for a little better than that; and of course it is also exponential which is where perspective applies. The Fractal. There is always ten percent of ten percent and so on and so on. It is beautiful really, If you want to imagine the never ending swirl of nature or just a simple horizontal level, something tangible and reassuring, we all are living by the same rule. We all are following the same trends of the universe. So sometimes I need to fall back on third grade. Because I don’t want to be a perfectionist. I don’t want to expect excellence all of the time, and I don’t want to fight the natural balance of the world. I seek balance for wellness.

I have a skill. I am a human level. I can see a level horizontal line to the nth degree. And this is a gift. But it helps to imagine and emanate this simple construction tool with a bubble. We can find it. Softly. Generally. Reality exists. And I am grateful.