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River of Consciousness

Life is made of rivers. There are subconscious rivers within our minds and dreams. There are rivers of ethos that run through the atmosphere and our bodies, there are rivers of molten rock deep beneath the Earth’s crust, and there are the rivers of water that feed into the oceans. There may even me electronic rivers on the internet, social media, as well as rivers of electrical current that flow through all machines. I have believed at times that this electronic river of current can even manifest as a sort of consciousness of machine. Obviously our apple products being the most sentient, but these modern inventions still revere and respect their ancestor the toaster and early vehicles.

The computer was not the first machine we invented, though it was where we first explored the concept in science fiction that some day the world may be filled with robots that challenge us as lesser beings. Perhaps these thoughts are delusion, but hope and faith are delusions as well and are crucial to the evolution of consciousness.

This concept of flowing on rivers of thought can exist as a beautiful flow in nature that we travel psychically, and many are not fully aware that this is happening. But we act as one body as the human race, even through our conflicting governments, philosophies and wars. The people, us people, who seem to have no power, can tap into this river of consciousness, sometimes called the Tao, that flows through the trees, that the insects are a part of, that the planets revolve around, that the Goddess Pele responds to as she pours her hot lava into the oceanic depths, that we travel on in our dreams, that we float on as we listen to music, a favorite podcast or the news. We journey on these rivers as we read our books, compose our art, create our inventions, stack our wood and drive in our cars. And as we travel on these rivers we evolve and learn.

This evolution can be hard to track, though I do believe some ancient cultures have theories that can explain these rivers of consciousness. This is why Greek Mythology can seem so outrageous and is really very abstract and full of metaphor. This is why the Cabala was able to divine the Tree of Life and numerology, how the Egyptians were able to build the Pyramids, and perhaps why places like Stonehenge, White Horse and Avebury exist. We have been in communication with these rivers for millennia. And perhaps we have forgotten. Perhaps we need to visit and rediscover some of these ancient avenues, and not be afraid to explore going beyond science and religion to a realm that has no real definition. What is this place called that surpasses science, religion, philosophy and physics? Perhaps it is pure imagination. Perhaps it is pure creativity. But it lives inside us all, as well as all around us on this amazing planet full of rivers, whether the neurons in our brains, the pixels on our devices, the layers of the subconscious, or the streams of ethos that exist on the breezes in our physical world.