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Unmasking Truth

How much are we accountable for our actions? How much have the artists, and people throughout history been responsible for their actions? We live with so many lies. We swallow and follow so many untruths. It is our responsibility to be accountable, to follow our truth and to spread real truth and reality. So many are living falsehoods, and I am a believer in Karma, and of salvation, so everyone has to face their actions eventually.

I had a great discussion with a couple friends this last spring regarding some of the great artists out there, who many adore and revere. We had discovered some quite horrible things that they had done. David Bowie denounced the gay community by saying he did not want to be associated with it, one of my favorite fantasy authors had molested her daughter over a period of many years, and there were other stories. At this point, do we separate their art from their actions? Is this possible? I know this is not possible for me with the Mother Peace Tarot deck, a very popular deck among certain crowds. The author is a well known TERF which stands for a Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist, which basically means she is a type of feminist that does not believe trans woman are actually women, that they are simply eunuchs or castrated men. Because of this they are not allowed to participate in a women’s music festival that is run by TERFs. Because I was in the business of expanding my tarot deck, following tarot people on Instagram and attending a group where we discussed tarot, I was exposed to this deck and the popularity of it. The blind popularity. Personally, I was also stuck at the general unattractiveness of the art and wondered at why people would follow something just because the cards were round and it had a popularity in certain circles. The point, do your research, follow your intuition. At times it is hard to tell what we are being exposed to due to the way a celebrity is marketed in our Corporate Culture.

But after a couple of months of letting this question mill around in my consciousness, “Can we separate these celebrities’ art from their actions“, my answer is no. We are what we preach. And if you are lying, If you are misrepresenting, or you are selling your books and raping your daughter in silence, that is not okay. We should not read your books or buy your literature. It was the Mother Peace deck that drove this home. My feelings, my gut feeling was validated by this information. And I feel very strongly about this woman’s art and her cards. Racism is not okay, ableism is not okay, gender and sexuality bias or hatred is not okay, darkness needs to be fought. We must battle this with everything we have. I sometimes don’t understand how the devil can exist and advertise itself amongst hate in our world, and how this can so easily penetrate the popular spectrum of trends and marketing. But it does. There is so little we can trust. We must fight ignorance, we must educate ourselves. We cannot stand for violence. All you have to do is look at the lynchings in the United States to understand that evil can bloom and be taken way too far out into the world of innocent people. And World War II, the transgender harassment that exists today, the people dying everywhere from mental illness who are not receiving treatment and are experiencing stigma every day of their lives.

Evil is real. Ignorance is prevalent. Fight it. With light, with truth, with education. Be the light. Live the truth. Don’t support ignorance, hatred or abuse, and seek the truth. Listen to your gut. Let the light speak to you in your intuition and empathetic selves in the subtle vulnerable ways that it does.
