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Renewed Faith

I am so full of Faith right now. Steve survived a major surgery on his spine and is in recovery now. I just spoke with him, and we reminded each other how much we love each other. Another amazing thing I am doing is working on publishing my book. I have a few decisions to make about the manuscript yet and may have to go through a professional editor just to make sure I am making the right decisions. First I was going to keep the manuscript in tact, then I thought it might be good to shorten the manuscript, and now I am reconsidering. It may be good to trust in the professionals, as Steve did, but am I really not able to make a good decision on my own? I just want it to be the right one, at some point I am just going to have to bite the bullet and publish.

Steve bit the bullet, hard. He went into surgery Wednesday afternoon and today, Thursday, he is doing great and out of the ICU. I am surrounded by friends and family who want to feed me, talk to me on the phone and support me and Steve in any way they can. Numerous people have signed up to bring us meals during this hard time and I feel so blessed. I have been combing over the house and trying to get things cleaned and organized for Steve’s return on Sunday. I will take Saturday off, and go to the spa at Doe Bay with a dear friend. These last couple of days have been about me time. I am surprised at how much I actually want to do with just myself and the dogs. I am happy cleaning house, going for walks, writing, reading, listening to music. I miss Steve for sure, but after almost twenty years together, I can handle a few days to myself and it feels good.

I am so blessed. My wonderful parents have been in Seattle with Steve and are shuttling him to and from Seattle around this surgery. Their support has been insurmountable. My sister cooked me dinner tonight and I gave her sweet two year old daughter, Ada, a bath. They are both coming over tomorrow in the afternoon to go for a walk. Steve calls me, and many friends, and though I am alone in this house I feel far from it. So here is to being blessed during hard times and coming out with a renewed sense of Faith.