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Active Rest

Well life is interesting as always. Tuesday I had a day of rest and recuperation. I wasn’t feeling that great and I called into the Library to cancel my two hour shift. I didn’t leave the house all day and spent some time writing and sitting by the pond, as well as just letting the time coast by as I rested in my robe and drank tea and coffee. The day before had been sunny and beautiful, yet I did not feel so and took a four hour nap in the afternoon, missing much of the glorious day. Both of these experiences were lessons in not pushing myself too far and listening to my body. I spent time reading the Power of Now and processing my many dreams.

Yesterday upon awakening at 8am, which has become early for me, I bounded into awareness to wash my hair and write in my journal. We headed off island to an appointment for my knee and to run some errands. It was a fabulous day finished with watching my favorite TV show back at home. I felt great. This morning I feel a renewed dedication to my knee and body and plan to join the gym and rev up my exercise regime. I also woke early and read some writing I have been working on and I feel a renewed dedication for working on this piece. I feel I am headed in the right direction, both with my health and with my “work” or favorite hobby. I plan to complete the third manuscript of my life and actually publish this one. I have had blessings from my father that he would try to support me financially in such an endeavor. So I plan to make it count and now I have something to work towards.

So I feel blessed, energized and confident in myself. Sometimes we need rest and it is important for me to realize that this is a passing thing. I have bounced back with greater vigor and I have refilled the coffers with much gold and peace. How lucky I am that I am able to live this way. Also, reading my memoir I felt that I have expressed myself beautifully. I can see that these deep realizations I have had and am having come with a lot of inner work and that I have been doing it. I am not much of a reader, but as I read through the pages that I have written, I have had my confidence in myself elevated, and I have a complete understanding of where I am at. That is the true gift of writing. It is the process, it is the journey. So I thank you once again for traveling this journey at my side. May your day be filled with rest or activity, all is good and worthy.