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Doorway to the Light

It is a beautiful day. Wellness abounds and so does quiet solitude and fortitude. I feel strong and happy, rested and productive. I am able to revel in the stillness and be with my home and my partner in a sweet and amicable way. The trees are talking and swaying in prayer and appreciation of the day and so am I.

I had a lovely morning sitting in silence at my local Quaker gathering. Many things came to me and one of the most obvious was tears. It is amazing that when we slow down to actual stillness what we find inside of ourselves welling up to the surface. I have been open and calling on my inner speech recently in an active way, so diving into finding what rests upon my heart and in my body is easier than if I was completely out of touch. I am finding that appreciating the slowness that has been offered up to me by the universe as of late is central to my process. I also need this to assimilate all that has happened in my recent life. I am not ashamed to say that life has been challenging, though my present moment is so obviously filled with wellness and strength.

Gratitude came up in the meeting as well, as folks were allowed to speak to a communal query or question. One of the questions was how do we foster worship in our daily lives. For me focusing on creativity and writing to the max is what is drawing me inward and closer to myself. I am also going through a kind of cleaning of house in my life. I am transitioning from the things that I have been doing as employment and waking up to what is calling me to apply my attention to. I am allowing this stillness and increased time for worship and creativity, group sharing sessions and time alone. I am grateful for all that I have and am so blessed. When it is taken away from you for the time being, which both Steve and I have experienced recently, it makes you all the more aware and grateful for the blessings and gifts that are bestowed upon us.

So here is to another day. Today I am well and am grateful. I pray that I can foster this wellness and make the best decisions possible about my life in order to head down a path that leads me to worship and a closer relationship with God, myself and all things divine. Gratitude is forever a doorway to the light.