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Glass Slippers

This morning I got another call from a publishing company. It seems in the world today that one tends to spend some money in order to publish similar to renting a recording studio for creating a CD for their music endeavors. I am pleased that I have a manuscript and I am thinking once again of pursuing this project. I am hoping the title I have chosen for my book is a good title. Balancing Equanimity is the title I have currently created.

It is a beautiful day and I have friends up from Seattle. I am headed to Friday Harbor after a comfortable and sweet morning spent reading and working on my writing. The radio is playing and I am comfortable in my sweats and the dogs are patiently awaiting their walk around the property. It is a good day.

Yesterday I felt overwhelmed. I am aware that I am not the only person that experiences these types of feelings and I am also aware that this is simply just the state of mind that I am in and I accept it. I feel that settling with this state of mind, I am able to experience my sensitivities more and that there is much good that can come from being in the moment and fully sitting still with what I am going through. I am a sensitive person and though I have spent a lot of time learning to cover this up in my life, I am finding that it is better to let this show. As I get older there are people that are coming into my life who understand the true me and can appreciate me for who I am. I am also learning to take it easy to allow my cells to breathe in the way they long to. As my body expresses itself and I learn to live within my authentic self, I am filled with a sense of calm underneath all of the symptoms. I am not afraid and running away from myself. I am appreciating myself for exactly who I am and I know that in this dissonance that I am feeling rests all of the gifts and talents that are inside of me. Being sensitive can express itself as the ability to create more fully, the ability to empathize with other people, and the ability to visit other realms and wavelengths that are sometimes imperceptible to the busy everyday human. If we slow down and take the time to listen to our bodies, we may be amazed at the breakthroughs that will result.

So I welcome all of the uncomfortable states. I welcome the symptoms and all of the feelings and information that I am being asked to process in order to get in touch with my truer self. I must treat myself gently. If I cut off pieces of myself in order to achieve or plow through life in cowboy boots rather than my delicate glass slippers, I become angry and abusive to myself and people around me that I love. So here is to living in compassion to and with myself and moving forward slowly and with true empathy for all that lives.