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Luminous Golden Wings

I feel ever so blessed. I wanted to get married with my beloved Steve and finances and the Social Security Department got in the way. I had a difficult day yesterday off-island and a busy one after I got home, but I ended the day with some beautiful women in my Bible study and some life-fulfilling prayer. I shared a vision with these women that I had during my last ‘episode’ seven years ago that I now understand as a spiritual battle that was opened to my eyes. I am sensitive and I have always known this. For so long, and due to the format that the world offers itself as in the form of the mental health system, I viewed my gift as a plague and a chemical deficiency. I am just beginning to understand that I have a gift. I have phrased it as such for some time now, and still did not understand the context and nature in its truism that my gift provides.

I have visions; naturally and without drugs. Though I believe without Christ in my life, these visions were too easily penetrable by Satan. Satan is a big word. It is kind of like Born Again. But if you out there that do not understand these terms had a moment with those of us who do, in your minds and within the consciousness of Christ, God and the Holy Spirit, one might just see what is behind such a term that carries so much stigma. I am familiar with stigma. Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and mental health all carry a similar stigma in the world today. I am here to tell you that coming from a believer that was not always a believer, there is goodness and light that comes with accepting these terms. Also they are just terms, words, and whatever you think they mean if you are judging them, is not what all of us who do believe are actually experiencing.

Back to the point, I had a vision, the clearest and most powerful vision of my life thus far. I was sitting on a chair in my living room, and great amazing beautiful magnificent magical wings spread from my back so true that I could actually feel them. I then was looking out into what then was described as an alternate realm and I knew I was being watched by millions. The word ‘Michael’ came to me. Now I see that those were his wings. He lent them to me and held me in his arms at the end of the three most frightening months of my life, existing among what I now understand as a spiritual war. Being lucid, sensitive, and special I was witnessing this battle. I was thrown in the midst of it because certain things contributed to me being in this sensitive state. Now I can validate it as it was not ‘crazy’ but real messages that I was receiving, sights I was seeing, experiences felt, and visions actually had.

The women in my Bible study could make sense of this, even more that I can or could myself. I have been discovered as the beautiful creation that I am. God loves me just as I am. I am a gift, I am worthy, I am validated, I am not crazy, and I am me. Thank you dear friends, Jesus, God and all of the angels, for showing me this truth.